
Messages module.

This module serves as a single import for all messages.

  1"""Messages module.
  3This module serves as a single import for all messages.
  5from .irequest import IRequest
  6from .iresponse import IResponse
  7from .async_response import AsyncResponse
  8from .confirmation import Confirmation
  9from .peripherals.generic.requests import GenericRequest
 10from .peripherals.generic.responses import GenericResponse
 12from .peripherals.coordinator.requests import (
 13    AddrInfoRequest as CoordinatorAddrInfoReq,
 14    AuthorizeBondRequest as CoordinatorAuthorizeBondReq,
 15    BackupRequest as CoordinatorBackupReq,
 16    BondNodeRequest as CoordinatorBondNodeReq,
 17    BondedDevicesRequest as CoordinatorBondedDevicesReq,
 18    ClearAllBondsRequest as CoordinatorClearAllBondsReq,
 19    DiscoveredDevicesRequest as CoordinatorDiscoveredDevicesReq,
 20    DiscoveryRequest as CoordinatorDiscoveryReq,
 21    RemoveBondRequest as CoordinatorRemoveBondReq,
 22    RestoreRequest as CoordinatorRestoreReq,
 23    SetDpaParamsRequest as CoordinatorSetDpaParamsReq,
 24    SetHopsRequest as CoordinatorSetHopsReq,
 25    SetMidRequest as CoordinatorSetMidReq,
 26    SmartConnectRequest as CoordinatorSmartConnectReq,
 29from iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses import (
 30    AddrInfoResponse as CoordinatorAddrInfoRsp,
 31    AuthorizeBondResponse as CoordinatorAuthorizeBondRsp,
 32    BackupResponse as CoordinatorBackupRsp,
 33    BondNodeResponse as CoordinatorBondNodeRsp,
 34    BondedDevicesResponse as CoordinatorBondedDevicesRsp,
 35    ClearAllBondsResponse as CoordinatorClearAllBondsRsp,
 36    DiscoveredDevicesResponse as CoordinatorDiscoveredDevicesRsp,
 37    DiscoveryResponse as CoordinatorDiscoveryRsp,
 38    RemoveBondResponse as CoordinatorRemoveBondRsp,
 39    RestoreResponse as CoordinatorRestoreRsp,
 40    SetDpaParamsResponse as CoordinatorSetDpaParamsRsp,
 41    SetHopsResponse as CoordinatorSetHopsRsp,
 42    SetMidResponse as CoordinatorSetMidRsp,
 43    SmartConnectResponse as CoordinatorSmartConnectRsp,
 46from .peripherals.eeeprom.requests import (
 47    ReadRequest as EeepromReadReq,
 48    WriteRequest as EeepromWriteReq,
 51from .peripherals.eeeprom.responses import (
 52    ReadResponse as EeepromReadRsp,
 53    WriteResponse as EeepromWriteRsp,
 56from .peripherals.eeprom.requests import (
 57    ReadRequest as EepromReadReq,
 58    WriteRequest as EepromWriteReq,
 61from .peripherals.eeprom.responses import (
 62    ReadResponse as EepromReadRsp,
 63    WriteResponse as EepromWriteRsp,
 66from .peripherals.exploration.requests import (
 67    PeripheralEnumerationRequest as ExplorationPeripheralEnumerationReq,
 68    PeripheralInformationRequest as ExplorationPeripheralInformationReq,
 69    MorePeripheralsInformationRequest as ExplorationMorePeripheralsInformationReq,
 72from .peripherals.exploration.responses import (
 73    PeripheralEnumerationResponse as ExplorationPeripheralEnumerationRsp,
 74    PeripheralInformationResponse as ExplorationPeripheralInformationRsp,
 75    MorePeripheralsInformationResponse as ExplorationMorePeripheralsInformationRsp,
 78from .peripherals.frc.requests import (
 79    SendRequest as FrcSendReq,
 80    ExtraResultRequest as FrcExtraResultReq,
 81    SendSelectiveRequest as FrcSendSelectiveReq,
 82    SetFrcParamsRequest as FrcSetFrcParamsReq,
 85from .peripherals.frc.responses import (
 86    SendResponse as FrcSendRsp,
 87    ExtraResultResponse as FrcExtraResultRsp,
 88    SendSelectiveResponse as FrcSendSelectiveRsp,
 89    SetFrcParamsResponse as FrcSetFrcParamsRsp,
 92from import (
 93    DirectionRequest as IoDirectionReq,
 94    GetRequest as IoGetReq,
 95    SetRequest as IoSetReq,
 98from import (
 99    DirectionResponse as IoDirectionRsp,
100    GetResponse as IoGetRsp,
101    SetResponse as IoSetRsp,
104from .peripherals.ledg.requests import (
105    SetOnRequest as LedgSetOnReq,
106    SetOffRequest as LedgSetOffReq,
107    PulseRequest as LedgPulseReq,
108    FlashingRequest as LedgFlashingReq,
111from .peripherals.ledg.responses import (
112    SetOnResponse as LedgSetOnRsp,
113    SetOffResponse as LedgSetOffRsp,
114    PulseResponse as LedgPulseRsp,
115    FlashingResponse as LedgFlashingRsp,
118from .peripherals.ledr.requests import (
119    SetOnRequest as LedrSetOnReq,
120    SetOffRequest as LedrSetOffReq,
121    PulseRequest as LedrPulseReq,
122    FlashingRequest as LedrFlashingReq,
125from .peripherals.ledr.responses import (
126    SetOnResponse as LedrSetOnRsp,
127    SetOffResponse as LedrSetOffRsp,
128    PulseResponse as LedrPulseRsp,
129    FlashingResponse as LedrFlashingRsp,
132from .peripherals.node.requests import (
133    ReadRequest as NodeReadReq,
134    RemoveBondRequest as NodeRemoveBondReq,
135    BackupRequest as NodeBackupReq,
136    RestoreRequest as NodeRestoreReq,
137    ValidateBondsRequest as NodeValidateBondsReq,
140from .peripherals.node.responses import (
141    ReadResponse as NodeReadRsp,
142    RemoveBondResponse as NodeRemoveBondRsp,
143    BackupResponse as NodeBackupRsp,
144    RestoreResponse as NodeRestoreRsp,
145    ValidateBondsResponse as NodeValidateBondsRsp,
148from .peripherals.os.requests import (
149    ReadRequest as OsReadReq,
150    ResetRequest as OsResetReq,
151    RestartRequest as OsRestartReq,
152    ReadTrConfRequest as OsReadTrConfReq,
153    WriteTrConfRequest as OsWriteTrConfReq,
154    WriteTrConfByteRequest as OsWriteTrConfByteReq,
155    RfpgmRequest as OsRfpgmReq,
156    SleepRequest as OsSleepReq,
157    SetSecurityRequest as OsSetSecurityReq,
158    BatchRequest as OsBatchReq,
159    SelectiveBatchRequest as OsSelectiveBatchReq,
160    IndicateRequest as OsIndicateReq,
161    FactorySettingsRequest as OsFactorySettingsReq,
162    TestRfSignalRequest as OsTestRfSignalReq,
163    LoadCodeRequest as OsLoadCodeReq,
166from .peripherals.os.responses import (
167    ReadResponse as OsReadRsp,
168    ResetResponse as OsResetRsp,
169    RestartResponse as OsRestartRsp,
170    ReadTrConfResponse as OsReadTrConfRsp,
171    WriteTrConfResponse as OsWriteTrConfRsp,
172    WriteTrConfByteResponse as OsWriteTrConfByteRsp,
173    RfpgmResponse as OsRfpgmRsp,
174    SleepResponse as OsSleepRsp,
175    SetSecurityResponse as OsSetSecurityRsp,
176    BatchResponse as OsBatchRsp,
177    SelectiveBatchResponse as OsSelectiveBatchRsp,
178    IndicateResponse as OsIndicateRsp,
179    FactorySettingsResponse as OsFactorySettingsRsp,
180    TestRfSignalResponse as OsTestRfSignalRsp,
181    LoadCodeResponse as OsLoadCodeRsp,
184from .peripherals.ram.requests import (
185    ReadRequest as RamReadReq,
186    WriteRequest as RamWriteReq,
187    ReadAnyRequest as RamReadAnyReq,
190from .peripherals.ram.responses import (
191    ReadResponse as RamReadRsp,
192    WriteResponse as RamWriteRsp,
193    ReadAnyResponse as RamReadAnyRsp,
196from import ReadRequest as ThermometerReadReq
197from import ReadResponse as ThermometerReadRsp
199from .peripherals.uart.requests import (
200    OpenRequest as UartOpenReq,
201    CloseRequest as UartCloseReq,
202    WriteReadRequest as UartWriteReadReq,
203    ClearWriteReadRequest as UartClearWriteReadReq,
206from .peripherals.uart.responses import (
207    OpenResponse as UartOpenRsp,
208    CloseResponse as UartCloseRsp,
209    WriteReadResponse as UartWriteReadRsp,
210    ClearWriteReadResponse as UartClearWriteReadRsp,
213from .peripherals.binaryoutput.requests import (
214    EnumerateRequest as BinaryOutputEnumerateReq,
215    SetOutputRequest as BinaryOutputSetOutputReq,
218from .peripherals.binaryoutput.responses import (
219    EnumerateResponse as BinaryOutputEnumerateRsp,
220    SetOutputResponse as BinaryOutputSetOutputRsp,
223from .peripherals.sensor.requests import (
224    EnumerateRequest as SensorEnumerateReq,
225    ReadSensorsRequest as SensorReadSensorsReq,
226    ReadSensorsWithTypesRequest as SensorReadWithTypesReq,
229from .peripherals.sensor.responses import (
230    EnumerateResponse as SensorEnumerateRsp,
231    ReadSensorsResponse as SensorReadSensorsRsp,
232    ReadSensorsWithTypesResponse as SensorReadWithTypesRsp,
235from .objects import (
236    BinaryOutputState,
237    CoordinatorAuthorizeBondParams,
238    CoordinatorDpaParam,
239    ExplorationPerEnumData,
240    ExplorationPerInfoData,
241    IoTriplet,
242    NodeReadData,
243    NodeValidateBondsParams,
244    OsBatchData,
245    OsIndicateParam,
246    OsLoadCodeFlags,
247    OsReadData,
248    OsSecurityTypeParam,
249    OsSleepParams,
250    OsTrConfByte,
251    OsTrConfData,
252    SensorWrittenData,
255from .utils.sensor_parser import SensorData
258__all__ = (
259    # .irequest
260    'IRequest',
261    # .iresponse
262    'IResponse',
263    # .async_response
264    'AsyncResponse',
265    # .confirmation
266    'Confirmation',
267    # .peripherals.generic
268    'GenericRequest',
269    'GenericResponse',
270    # .peripherals.coordinator
271    'CoordinatorAddrInfoReq',
272    'CoordinatorAddrInfoRsp',
273    'CoordinatorAuthorizeBondReq',
274    'CoordinatorAuthorizeBondRsp',
275    'CoordinatorBackupReq',
276    'CoordinatorBackupRsp',
277    'CoordinatorBondNodeReq',
278    'CoordinatorBondNodeRsp',
279    'CoordinatorBondedDevicesReq',
280    'CoordinatorBondedDevicesRsp',
281    'CoordinatorClearAllBondsReq',
282    'CoordinatorClearAllBondsRsp',
283    'CoordinatorDiscoveredDevicesReq',
284    'CoordinatorDiscoveredDevicesRsp',
285    'CoordinatorDiscoveryReq',
286    'CoordinatorDiscoveryRsp',
287    'CoordinatorRemoveBondReq',
288    'CoordinatorRemoveBondRsp',
289    'CoordinatorRestoreReq',
290    'CoordinatorRestoreRsp',
291    'CoordinatorSetDpaParamsReq',
292    'CoordinatorSetDpaParamsRsp',
293    'CoordinatorSetHopsReq',
294    'CoordinatorSetHopsRsp',
295    'CoordinatorSetMidReq',
296    'CoordinatorSetMidRsp',
297    'CoordinatorSmartConnectReq',
298    'CoordinatorSmartConnectRsp',
299    # .peripherals.eeeprom
300    'EeepromReadReq',
301    'EeepromReadRsp',
302    'EeepromWriteReq',
303    'EeepromWriteRsp',
304    # .peripherals.eeprom
305    'EepromReadReq',
306    'EepromReadRsp',
307    'EepromWriteReq',
308    'EepromWriteRsp',
309    # .peripherals.exploration
310    'ExplorationPeripheralEnumerationReq',
311    'ExplorationPeripheralEnumerationRsp',
312    'ExplorationPeripheralInformationReq',
313    'ExplorationPeripheralInformationRsp',
314    'ExplorationMorePeripheralsInformationReq',
315    'ExplorationMorePeripheralsInformationRsp',
316    # .peripherals.frc
317    'FrcSendReq',
318    'FrcSendRsp',
319    'FrcExtraResultReq',
320    'FrcExtraResultRsp',
321    'FrcSendSelectiveReq',
322    'FrcSendSelectiveRsp',
323    'FrcSetFrcParamsReq',
324    'FrcSetFrcParamsRsp',
325    #
326    'IoDirectionReq',
327    'IoDirectionRsp',
328    'IoGetReq',
329    'IoGetRsp',
330    'IoSetReq',
331    'IoSetRsp',
332    # .peripherals.ledg
333    'LedgSetOnReq',
334    'LedgSetOnRsp',
335    'LedgSetOffReq',
336    'LedgSetOffRsp',
337    'LedgPulseReq',
338    'LedgPulseRsp',
339    'LedgFlashingReq',
340    'LedgFlashingRsp',
341    # .peripherals.ledr
342    'LedrSetOnReq',
343    'LedrSetOnRsp',
344    'LedrSetOffReq',
345    'LedrSetOffRsp',
346    'LedrPulseReq',
347    'LedrPulseRsp',
348    'LedrFlashingReq',
349    'LedrFlashingRsp',
350    # .peripherals.node
351    'NodeReadReq',
352    'NodeReadRsp',
353    'NodeRemoveBondReq',
354    'NodeRemoveBondRsp',
355    'NodeBackupReq',
356    'NodeBackupRsp',
357    'NodeRestoreReq',
358    'NodeRestoreRsp',
359    'NodeValidateBondsReq',
360    'NodeValidateBondsRsp',
361    # .peripherals.os
362    'OsReadReq',
363    'OsReadRsp',
364    'OsResetReq',
365    'OsResetRsp',
366    'OsRestartReq',
367    'OsRestartRsp',
368    'OsReadTrConfReq',
369    'OsReadTrConfRsp',
370    'OsWriteTrConfReq',
371    'OsWriteTrConfRsp',
372    'OsWriteTrConfByteReq',
373    'OsWriteTrConfByteRsp',
374    'OsRfpgmReq',
375    'OsRfpgmRsp',
376    'OsSleepReq',
377    'OsSleepRsp',
378    'OsSetSecurityReq',
379    'OsSetSecurityRsp',
380    'OsBatchReq',
381    'OsBatchRsp',
382    'OsSelectiveBatchReq',
383    'OsSelectiveBatchRsp',
384    'OsIndicateReq',
385    'OsIndicateRsp',
386    'OsFactorySettingsReq',
387    'OsFactorySettingsRsp',
388    'OsTestRfSignalReq',
389    'OsTestRfSignalRsp',
390    'OsLoadCodeReq',
391    'OsLoadCodeRsp',
392    # .peripherals.ram
393    'RamReadReq',
394    'RamReadRsp',
395    'RamWriteReq',
396    'RamWriteRsp',
397    'RamReadAnyReq',
398    'RamReadAnyRsp',
399    # .peripherals.thermometer
400    'ThermometerReadReq',
401    'ThermometerReadRsp',
402    # .peripherals.uart
403    'UartOpenReq',
404    'UartOpenRsp',
405    'UartCloseReq',
406    'UartCloseRsp',
407    'UartWriteReadReq',
408    'UartWriteReadRsp',
409    'UartClearWriteReadReq',
410    'UartClearWriteReadRsp',
411    # .peripherals.binaryoutput
412    'BinaryOutputEnumerateReq',
413    'BinaryOutputEnumerateRsp',
414    'BinaryOutputSetOutputReq',
415    'BinaryOutputSetOutputRsp',
416    # .peripherals.sensor
417    'SensorEnumerateReq',
418    'SensorEnumerateRsp',
419    'SensorReadSensorsReq',
420    'SensorReadSensorsRsp',
421    'SensorReadWithTypesReq',
422    'SensorReadWithTypesRsp',
423    # .objects
424    'BinaryOutputState',
425    'CoordinatorAuthorizeBondParams',
426    'CoordinatorDpaParam',
427    'ExplorationPerEnumData',
428    'ExplorationPerInfoData',
429    'IoTriplet',
430    'NodeReadData',
431    'NodeValidateBondsParams',
432    'OsBatchData',
433    'OsIndicateParam',
434    'OsLoadCodeFlags',
435    'OsReadData',
436    'OsSecurityTypeParam',
437    'OsSleepParams',
438    'OsTrConfByte',
439    'OsTrConfData',
440    'SensorWrittenData',
441    # .utils.sensor_data
442    'SensorData',
class IRequest(abc.ABC):
 17class IRequest(ABC):
 18    """This abstract class serves as an interface for embedded peripherals and standards request messages.
 20    The class provides getters and setters for shared request properties in the form of the @property decorator.
 21    Shared properties such as device address, peripheral, peripheral command and hwpid are validated here.
 22    The class also provides generic DPA and JSON serialization methods for derived classes to amend.
 23    While the abstract class cannot be instantiated, it's methods can be called from a derived class using super.
 25    Network address (nadr) specifies target device: 0 (coordinator), 1-239 (node), 252 (local device),
 26    254 (temporary address) and 255 (broadcast), other values are reserved. Values in range 0-255.
 28    Peripheral number (pnum) specifies peripheral to use: 0-31 are served for embedded peripherals and
 29    64-127 are reserved for IQRF standard peripherals. Peripheral number can be passed as a member of one
 30    of the peripheral enum class members (see iqrfpy.enums.peripherals) or plain integer. Values in range 0-255.
 32    Peripheral command (pcmd) specifies a command to execute, each peripheral implements different commands.
 33    See DPA framework document for specific command numbers. Peripheral command can be passed as a member of one
 34    of the peripheral command enum class members (see iqrfpy.enums.commands) or plain integer.
 35    Peripheral number and peripheral command are pre-defined for each command message this library implements,
 36    however they will be required for user-defined messages. Values in range 0-255, but note that only values
 37    0-127 are used for request commands, as response command value is equal to request command value plus 128 (0x80).
 39    Hardware profile ID (hwpid) specifies a unique device (by its functionality), this argument can be used to filter
 40    which devices execute a commend specified by request message. Only devices with matching hwpid will execute
 41    a command, unless the value 65535 (0xFFFF) is used, which ignores hwpid checking. Values in range 0-65535.
 43    Packet data (pdata) can be required or optional data sent with the request message, depending on the command.
 44    On a general level, packet data is treated as list of unsigned 1B integers. This means that when defining a user
 45    command and a request message, request data should be serialized into a list of previously mentioned
 46    format and stored in the pdata member.
 48    For more detailed information, see the IQRF DPA Framework documentation.
 50    Message type (m_type) is an optional argument, however, it is required when using JSON API as message type
 51    is equivalent to a combination of peripheral number and peripheral command (see iqrfpy.enums.message_types).
 52    For example, `OSMessages.READ` (iqrfEmbedOs_Read) is equivalent to `EmbedPeripherals.OS` (2) and
 53    `OSRequestCommands.READ` (0).
 55    Request parameters (params) is an optional dictionary argument, that is used when constructing a JSON API request.
 56    When creating a user message, use the params member to propagate your request parameters into the final
 57    JSON request object.
 59    DPA response time (dpa_rsp_time) is an optional argument specifying DPA request timeout, not time between reception
 60    of a request and delivery of response. Note that handling of this argument is the responsibility of a transport
 61    and system facilitating communication between the library and devices of the IQRF network.
 63    Device processing time (dev_process_time) is an optional argument used to specify time allotted to the device
 64    executing a task beyond simple data processing. For example, a device may need to measure some quantity
 65    for certain amount of time for the measured value to be valid. Note that handling of this argument
 66    is the responsibility of a transport and system facilitating communication between the library and devices
 67    of the IQRF network.
 69    Message ID (msgid) is an optional argument used only by the JSON API at this time. It is used to pair
 70    JSON API requests and responses as the message type argument only allows to pair requests of the same type,
 71    but not pairing a specific request and response, given the asynchronous nature of the JSON API.
 72    """
 74    __slots__ = '_nadr', '_pnum', '_pcmd', '_mtype', '_hwpid', '_pdata', '_msgid', '_params', '_dpa_rsp_time', \
 75        '_dev_process_time'
 77    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int],
 78                 hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None,
 79                 m_type: Optional[MessageType] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None,
 80                 params: Optional[dict] = None, dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float] = None,
 81                 dev_process_time: Optional[float] = None):
 82        """IRequest constructor.
 84        Args:
 85            nadr (int): Network address.
 86            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
 87            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
 88            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535 (Ignore HWPID check).
 89            pdata (List[int], optional): DPA request data. Defaults to None.
 90            m_type (MessageType, optional): JSON API message type. Defaults to None.
 91            msgid (str, optional): JSON API message ID. Defaults to None. If the parameter is not specified, a random
 92                UUIDv4 string is generated and used.
 93            params (dict, optional): JSON API request data. Defaults to None.
 94            dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA request timeout in seconds. Defaults to None.
 95            dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time. Defaults to None.
 96        """
 97        self._nadr = nadr
 98        self._pnum = pnum
 99        self._pcmd = pcmd
100        self._hwpid = hwpid
101        self._pdata = pdata
102        self._mtype = m_type
103        self._msgid = msgid if msgid is not None else str(uuid4())
104        self._params = params if params is not None else {}
105        self._dpa_rsp_time = dpa_rsp_time
106        self._dev_process_time = dev_process_time
107        self._validate_base(nadr, pnum, pcmd, hwpid, dpa_rsp_time, dev_process_time)
109    def _validate_base(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int], hwpid: int,
110                       dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float], dev_process_time: Optional[float]) -> None:
111        """Shared members validation method.
113        Validates shared request members to ensure the data can fit into the DPA packet and JSON request
114        object and do not violate rules for expected format of these properties.
116        Args:
117            nadr (int): Network address.
118            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
119            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
120            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535 (Ignore HWPID check).
121            dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA request timeout in seconds. Defaults to None.
122            dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time. Defaults to None.
123        """
124        self._validate_nadr(nadr)
125        self._validate_pnum(pnum)
126        self._validate_pcmd(pcmd)
127        self._validate_hwpid(hwpid)
128        self._validate_dpa_rsp_time(dpa_rsp_time)
129        self._validate_dev_process_time(dev_process_time)
131    @staticmethod
132    def _validate_nadr(nadr: int):
133        """Validates network address parameter.
135        Args:
136            nadr (int): Network address value.
138        Raises:
139            RequestNadrInvalidError: If nadr is less than 0 or greater than 255.
140        """
141        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= nadr <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
142            raise RequestNadrInvalidError('NADR should be between 0 and 255.')
144    @property
145    def nadr(self) -> int:
146        """:obj:`int`: Network address.
148        Getter and setter.
149        """
150        return self._nadr
152    @nadr.setter
153    def nadr(self, value: int):
154        self._validate_nadr(value)
155        self._nadr = value
157    @staticmethod
158    def _validate_pnum(pnum: Union[Peripheral, int]):
159        """Validates peripheral number parameter.
161        Args:
162            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number value.
164        Raises:
165            RequestPnumInvalidError: If pnum is less than 0 or greater than 255.
166        """
167        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= pnum <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
168            raise RequestPnumInvalidError('PNUM should be between 0 and 255.')
170    @property
171    def pnum(self) -> Union[Peripheral, int]:
172        """:obj:`iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral` of :obj:`int`: Peripheral number.
174        Getter and setter.
175        """
176        return self._pnum
178    @pnum.setter
179    def pnum(self, value: Union[Peripheral, int]):
180        self._validate_pnum(pnum=value)
181        self._pnum = value
183    @staticmethod
184    def _validate_pcmd(pcmd: Union[Command, int]):
185        """Validates peripheral command parameter.
187        Args:
188            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command value.
190        Raises:
191            RequestPcmdInvalidError: If pcmd is less than 0 or greater than 255.
192        """
193        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= pcmd <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
194            raise RequestPcmdInvalidError('PCMD should be between 0 and 255.')
196    @property
197    def pcmd(self) -> Union[Command, int]:
198        """:obj:`iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command` or :obj:`int`: Peripheral command.
200        Getter and setter.
201        """
202        return self._pcmd
204    @pcmd.setter
205    def pcmd(self, value: Union[Command, int]):
206        self._validate_pcmd(pcmd=value)
207        self._pcmd = value
209    @staticmethod
210    def _validate_hwpid(hwpid: int):
211        """Validates Hardware profile ID parameter.
213        Args:
214            hwpid (int): Hardware profile ID value.
216        Raises:
217            RequestHwpidInvalidError: If hwpid is less than 0 or greater than 65535.
218        """
219        if not dpa_constants.HWPID_MIN <= hwpid <= dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX:
220            raise RequestHwpidInvalidError('HWPID should be between 0 and 65535.')
222    @property
223    def hwpid(self) -> int:
224        """:obj:`int`: Hardware profile ID.
226        Getter and setter.
227        """
228        return self._hwpid
230    @staticmethod
231    def _validate_dpa_rsp_time(dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float] = None):
232        """Validates dpa timeout parameter.
234        Args:
235            dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA timeout value in seconds. Defaults to None.
237        Raises:
238            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If dpa_rsp_time is not None and is less than 0.
239        """
240        if dpa_rsp_time is None:
241            return
242        if dpa_rsp_time < 0:
243            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('DPA response time should a positive integer.')
245    @property
246    def dpa_rsp_time(self) -> Optional[float]:
247        """:obj:`float` or :obj:`None`: DPA timeout.
249        Getter and setter.
250        """
251        return self._dpa_rsp_time
253    @dpa_rsp_time.setter
254    def dpa_rsp_time(self, value: Optional[float] = None):
255        self._validate_dpa_rsp_time(value)
256        self._dpa_rsp_time = value
258    @staticmethod
259    def _validate_dev_process_time(dev_process_time: Optional[float] = None):
260        """Validates device processing time parameter.
262        Args:
263            dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time value. Defaults to None.
265        Raises:
266            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If dev_process_time is not None and is less than 0.
267        """
268        if dev_process_time is None:
269            return
270        if dev_process_time < 0:
271            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Device processing time should be a positive integer.')
273    @property
274    def dev_process_time(self) -> Optional[float]:
275        """:obj:`float` or :obj:`None`: Device processing time.
277        Getter and setter.
278        """
279        return self._dev_process_time
281    @dev_process_time.setter
282    def dev_process_time(self, value: Optional[float] = None):
283        self._validate_dev_process_time(value)
284        self._dev_process_time = value
286    @property
287    def msgid(self) -> str:
288        """:obj:`str`: Message ID.
290        Getter and setter.
291        """
292        return self._msgid
294    @msgid.setter
295    def msgid(self, value: str):
296        self._msgid = value
298    @property
299    def mtype(self) -> MessageType:
300        """:obj:`MessageType` Message type.
302        Getter only.
303        """
304        return self._mtype
306    @abstractmethod
307    def to_dpa(self, mutable: bool = False) -> Union[bytes, bytearray]:
308        """DPA request serialization method.
310        Serializes a request to DPA request packet format. Each request contains the DPA request header.
311        If pdata is specified, it is appended to the DPA request header. The request can be serialized
312        into both mutable and immutable (default) byte formats.
314        Args:
315            mutable (bool, optional): Serialize into mutable byte representation of DPA request packet.
316                Defaults to False.
318        Returns:
319            :obj:`bytes`: Immutable byte representation of DPA request packet.\n
320            :obj:`bytearray`: Mutable byte representation of DPA request packet (if argument mutable is True).
321        """
322        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method not implemented.')
324    @abstractmethod
325    def to_json(self) -> dict:
326        """JSON API request serialization method.
328        Serializes a request to JSON API request object. Each request contains message type and data.
329        Data carries message ID for pairing requests with responses, and `req` object that contains network address,
330        hwpid and optional request parameters (equivalent to DPA packet data) if `params` is not None.
331        If DPA timeout is specified, the value is multiplied by 1000 as JSON API accepts timeout in milliseconds.
333        Returns:
334            :obj:`dict`: JSON API request object.
335        """
336        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method not implemented')

This abstract class serves as an interface for embedded peripherals and standards request messages.

The class provides getters and setters for shared request properties in the form of the @property decorator. Shared properties such as device address, peripheral, peripheral command and hwpid are validated here. The class also provides generic DPA and JSON serialization methods for derived classes to amend. While the abstract class cannot be instantiated, it's methods can be called from a derived class using super.

Network address (nadr) specifies target device: 0 (coordinator), 1-239 (node), 252 (local device), 254 (temporary address) and 255 (broadcast), other values are reserved. Values in range 0-255.

Peripheral number (pnum) specifies peripheral to use: 0-31 are served for embedded peripherals and 64-127 are reserved for IQRF standard peripherals. Peripheral number can be passed as a member of one of the peripheral enum class members (see iqrfpy.enums.peripherals) or plain integer. Values in range 0-255.

Peripheral command (pcmd) specifies a command to execute, each peripheral implements different commands. See DPA framework document for specific command numbers. Peripheral command can be passed as a member of one of the peripheral command enum class members (see iqrfpy.enums.commands) or plain integer. Peripheral number and peripheral command are pre-defined for each command message this library implements, however they will be required for user-defined messages. Values in range 0-255, but note that only values 0-127 are used for request commands, as response command value is equal to request command value plus 128 (0x80).

Hardware profile ID (hwpid) specifies a unique device (by its functionality), this argument can be used to filter which devices execute a commend specified by request message. Only devices with matching hwpid will execute a command, unless the value 65535 (0xFFFF) is used, which ignores hwpid checking. Values in range 0-65535.

Packet data (pdata) can be required or optional data sent with the request message, depending on the command. On a general level, packet data is treated as list of unsigned 1B integers. This means that when defining a user command and a request message, request data should be serialized into a list of previously mentioned format and stored in the pdata member.

For more detailed information, see the IQRF DPA Framework documentation.

Message type (m_type) is an optional argument, however, it is required when using JSON API as message type is equivalent to a combination of peripheral number and peripheral command (see iqrfpy.enums.message_types). For example, OSMessages.READ (iqrfEmbedOs_Read) is equivalent to EmbedPeripherals.OS (2) and OSRequestCommands.READ (0).

Request parameters (params) is an optional dictionary argument, that is used when constructing a JSON API request. When creating a user message, use the params member to propagate your request parameters into the final JSON request object.

DPA response time (dpa_rsp_time) is an optional argument specifying DPA request timeout, not time between reception of a request and delivery of response. Note that handling of this argument is the responsibility of a transport and system facilitating communication between the library and devices of the IQRF network.

Device processing time (dev_process_time) is an optional argument used to specify time allotted to the device executing a task beyond simple data processing. For example, a device may need to measure some quantity for certain amount of time for the measured value to be valid. Note that handling of this argument is the responsibility of a transport and system facilitating communication between the library and devices of the IQRF network.

Message ID (msgid) is an optional argument used only by the JSON API at this time. It is used to pair JSON API requests and responses as the message type argument only allows to pair requests of the same type, but not pairing a specific request and response, given the asynchronous nature of the JSON API.

IRequest( nadr: int, pnum: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int], hwpid: int = 65535, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, m_type: Optional[iqrfpy.enums.message_types.MessageType] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float] = None, dev_process_time: Optional[float] = None)
 77    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int],
 78                 hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None,
 79                 m_type: Optional[MessageType] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None,
 80                 params: Optional[dict] = None, dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float] = None,
 81                 dev_process_time: Optional[float] = None):
 82        """IRequest constructor.
 84        Args:
 85            nadr (int): Network address.
 86            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
 87            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
 88            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535 (Ignore HWPID check).
 89            pdata (List[int], optional): DPA request data. Defaults to None.
 90            m_type (MessageType, optional): JSON API message type. Defaults to None.
 91            msgid (str, optional): JSON API message ID. Defaults to None. If the parameter is not specified, a random
 92                UUIDv4 string is generated and used.
 93            params (dict, optional): JSON API request data. Defaults to None.
 94            dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA request timeout in seconds. Defaults to None.
 95            dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time. Defaults to None.
 96        """
 97        self._nadr = nadr
 98        self._pnum = pnum
 99        self._pcmd = pcmd
100        self._hwpid = hwpid
101        self._pdata = pdata
102        self._mtype = m_type
103        self._msgid = msgid if msgid is not None else str(uuid4())
104        self._params = params if params is not None else {}
105        self._dpa_rsp_time = dpa_rsp_time
106        self._dev_process_time = dev_process_time
107        self._validate_base(nadr, pnum, pcmd, hwpid, dpa_rsp_time, dev_process_time)

IRequest constructor.

  • nadr (int): Network address.
  • pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
  • pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
  • hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535 (Ignore HWPID check).
  • pdata (List[int], optional): DPA request data. Defaults to None.
  • m_type (MessageType, optional): JSON API message type. Defaults to None.
  • msgid (str, optional): JSON API message ID. Defaults to None. If the parameter is not specified, a random UUIDv4 string is generated and used.
  • params (dict, optional): JSON API request data. Defaults to None.
  • dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA request timeout in seconds. Defaults to None.
  • dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time. Defaults to None.
nadr: int

int: Network address.

Getter and setter.

iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral of int: Peripheral number.

Getter and setter.

pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int]

iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command or int: Peripheral command.

Getter and setter.

hwpid: int

int: Hardware profile ID.

Getter and setter.

dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float]

float or None: DPA timeout.

Getter and setter.

dev_process_time: Optional[float]

float or None: Device processing time.

Getter and setter.

msgid: str

str: Message ID.

Getter and setter.

MessageType Message type.

Getter only.

def to_dpa(self, mutable: bool = False) -> Union[bytes, bytearray]:
306    @abstractmethod
307    def to_dpa(self, mutable: bool = False) -> Union[bytes, bytearray]:
308        """DPA request serialization method.
310        Serializes a request to DPA request packet format. Each request contains the DPA request header.
311        If pdata is specified, it is appended to the DPA request header. The request can be serialized
312        into both mutable and immutable (default) byte formats.
314        Args:
315            mutable (bool, optional): Serialize into mutable byte representation of DPA request packet.
316                Defaults to False.
318        Returns:
319            :obj:`bytes`: Immutable byte representation of DPA request packet.\n
320            :obj:`bytearray`: Mutable byte representation of DPA request packet (if argument mutable is True).
321        """
322        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method not implemented.')

DPA request serialization method.

Serializes a request to DPA request packet format. Each request contains the DPA request header. If pdata is specified, it is appended to the DPA request header. The request can be serialized into both mutable and immutable (default) byte formats.

  • mutable (bool, optional): Serialize into mutable byte representation of DPA request packet. Defaults to False.

bytes: Immutable byte representation of DPA request packet.

bytearray: Mutable byte representation of DPA request packet (if argument mutable is True).

def to_json(self) -> dict:
324    @abstractmethod
325    def to_json(self) -> dict:
326        """JSON API request serialization method.
328        Serializes a request to JSON API request object. Each request contains message type and data.
329        Data carries message ID for pairing requests with responses, and `req` object that contains network address,
330        hwpid and optional request parameters (equivalent to DPA packet data) if `params` is not None.
331        If DPA timeout is specified, the value is multiplied by 1000 as JSON API accepts timeout in milliseconds.
333        Returns:
334            :obj:`dict`: JSON API request object.
335        """
336        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method not implemented')

JSON API request serialization method.

Serializes a request to JSON API request object. Each request contains message type and data. Data carries message ID for pairing requests with responses, and req object that contains network address, hwpid and optional request parameters (equivalent to DPA packet data) if params is not None. If DPA timeout is specified, the value is multiplied by 1000 as JSON API accepts timeout in milliseconds.


dict: JSON API request object.

class IResponse(abc.ABC):
 15class IResponse(ABC):
 16    """This class serves as an interface for embedded peripherals and standards response messages.
 18    This class does not provide any deserialization logic in its factory methods as they simply serve as abstracts.
 20    Once a factory method is implemented, it should be used to parse responses and create response message objects.
 21    """
 23    ASYNC_MSGID = 'async'
 25    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int],
 26                 hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX, rcode: int = 0, dpa_value: int = 0,
 27                 pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, m_type: Optional[Union[MessageType, str]] = None,
 28                 msgid: Optional[str] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None):
 29        self._nadr = nadr
 30        self._pnum = pnum
 31        self._pcmd = pcmd
 32        self._mtype = m_type
 33        self._hwpid = hwpid
 34        self._rcode = rcode
 35        self._dpa_value = dpa_value
 36        self._pdata = pdata
 37        self._msgid = msgid
 38        self._result = result
 40    @property
 41    @abstractmethod
 42    def nadr(self) -> int:
 43        """:obj:`int`: Device address.
 45        Getter only.
 46        """
 47        return self._nadr
 49    @property
 50    @abstractmethod
 51    def pnum(self) -> Union[Peripheral, int]:
 52        """:obj:`Peripheral` or :obj:`int`: Peripheral number.
 54        Getter only.
 55        """
 56        return self._pnum
 58    @property
 59    @abstractmethod
 60    def pcmd(self) -> Union[Command, int]:
 61        """:obj:`Command` or :obj:`int`: Peripheral command.
 63        Getter only.
 64        """
 65        return self._pcmd
 67    @property
 68    @abstractmethod
 69    def mtype(self) -> Optional[Union[MessageType, str]]:
 70        """:obj:`MessageType` or :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`: Message type.
 72        Getter only.
 73        """
 74        return self._mtype
 76    @property
 77    @abstractmethod
 78    def hwpid(self) -> int:
 79        """:obj:`int`: Hardware profile ID.
 81        Getter only.
 82        """
 83        return self._hwpid
 85    @property
 86    @abstractmethod
 87    def rcode(self) -> int:
 88        """:obj:`int`: DPA error code.
 90        Getter only.
 91        """
 92        return self._rcode
 94    @property
 95    @abstractmethod
 96    def dpa_value(self) -> int:
 97        """:obj:`int`: DPA value.
 99        Getter only.
100        """
101        return self._dpa_value
103    @property
104    @abstractmethod
105    def pdata(self) -> Optional[List[int]]:
106        """:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: DPA response data.
108        Getter only.
109        """
110        return self._pdata
112    @property
113    @abstractmethod
114    def result(self) -> Optional[dict]:
115        """:obj:`dict` or :obj:`None`: JSON API response data.
117        Getter only.
118        """
119        return self._result
121    @property
122    @abstractmethod
123    def msgid(self) -> Optional[str]:
124        """:obj:`str` or :obj:`None`: Message ID.
126        Getter only.
127        """
128        return self._msgid
130    @staticmethod
131    def validate_dpa_response(data: bytes) -> None:
132        """Validate DPA response for base response length.
134        Args:
135            data (bytes): DPA response.
136        """
137        DpaValidator.base_response_length(data)
139    @classmethod
140    @abstractmethod
141    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'IResponse':
142        """Factory method. Parse DPA response into Response object.
144        Args:
145            dpa (bytes): DPA response.
146        """
148    @classmethod
149    @abstractmethod
150    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'IResponse':
151        """Factory method. Parse JSON response into Response object.
153        Args:
154            json (dict): JSON API response.
155        """

This class serves as an interface for embedded peripherals and standards response messages.

This class does not provide any deserialization logic in its factory methods as they simply serve as abstracts.

Once a factory method is implemented, it should be used to parse responses and create response message objects.

ASYNC_MSGID = 'async'
nadr: int

int: Device address.

Getter only.

Peripheral or int: Peripheral number.

Getter only.

pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int]

Command or int: Peripheral command.

Getter only.

mtype: Union[iqrfpy.enums.message_types.MessageType, str, NoneType]

MessageType or str or None: Message type.

Getter only.

hwpid: int

int: Hardware profile ID.

Getter only.

rcode: int

int: DPA error code.

Getter only.

dpa_value: int

int: DPA value.

Getter only.

pdata: Optional[List[int]]

list of int: DPA response data.

Getter only.

result: Optional[dict]

dict or None: JSON API response data.

Getter only.

msgid: Optional[str]

str or None: Message ID.

Getter only.

def validate_dpa_response(data: bytes) -> None:
130    @staticmethod
131    def validate_dpa_response(data: bytes) -> None:
132        """Validate DPA response for base response length.
134        Args:
135            data (bytes): DPA response.
136        """
137        DpaValidator.base_response_length(data)

Validate DPA response for base response length.

  • data (bytes): DPA response.
def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> IResponse:
139    @classmethod
140    @abstractmethod
141    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'IResponse':
142        """Factory method. Parse DPA response into Response object.
144        Args:
145            dpa (bytes): DPA response.
146        """

Factory method. Parse DPA response into Response object.

  • dpa (bytes): DPA response.
def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> IResponse:
148    @classmethod
149    @abstractmethod
150    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'IResponse':
151        """Factory method. Parse JSON response into Response object.
153        Args:
154            json (dict): JSON API response.
155        """

Factory method. Parse JSON response into Response object.

  • json (dict): JSON API response.
class AsyncResponse(iqrfpy.iresponse.IResponseGetterMixin):
 20class AsyncResponse(IResponseGetterMixin):
 21    """Asynchronous response class.
 23    This class is used to capture and resolve asynchronous responses,
 24    as this is a generic response class, the data is only sent as string of bytes in hexadecimal
 25    representation separated by dots.
 26    """
 28    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Peripheral, pcmd: Command, hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX,
 29                 rcode: int = 0x80, dpa_value: int = 0, pdata: Union[List[int], None] = None,
 30                 msgid: Optional[str] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None):
 31        """AsyncResponse constructor.
 33        Args:
 34            nadr (int): Device address.
 35            pnum (Peripheral): Peripheral.
 36            pcmd (Command): Peripheral command.
 37            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
 38            rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
 39            dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
 40            pdata (List[int], optional): DPA response data. Defaults to None.
 41            msgid (str, optional): Message ID. Defaults to None.
 42            result (dict, optional): JSON response data. Defaults to None.
 43        """
 44        super().__init__(
 45            nadr=nadr,
 46            pnum=pnum,
 47            pcmd=pcmd,
 48            m_type=GenericMessages.RAW,
 49            hwpid=hwpid,
 50            rcode=rcode,
 51            dpa_value=dpa_value,
 52            pdata=pdata,
 53            msgid=msgid,
 54            result=result
 55        )
 57    @classmethod
 58    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'AsyncResponse':
 59        """Asynchronous response DPA factory method.
 61        Parses DPA data and constructs :obj:`AsyncResponse` object.
 63        Args:
 64            dpa (bytes): DPA response bytes.
 66        Returns:
 67            :obj:`AsyncResponse`: Asynchronous response message object.
 68        """
 69        DpaValidator.base_response_length(dpa=dpa)
 70        nadr = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
 71        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
 72        pnum = Common.pnum_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM])
 73        pcmd = Common.request_pcmd_from_dpa(pnum, dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD])
 74        rcode = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
 75        dpa_value = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
 76        result = None
 77        if rcode == ResponseCodes.ASYNC_RESPONSE:
 78            if len(dpa) > 8:
 79                result = {'rData': list(dpa)}
 80        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value,
 81                   pdata=list(dpa), result=result)
 83    @classmethod
 84    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'AsyncResponse':
 85        """Asynchronous response JSON factory method.
 87        Parses JSON API response and constructs :obj:`AsyncResponse` object.
 89        Args:
 90            json (dict): JSON API response.
 92        Returns:
 93            :obj:`AsyncResponse`: Asynchronous response message object.
 94        """
 95        msgid = Common.msgid_from_json(json)
 96        result = json['data']['rsp']
 97        packet = result['rData'].replace('.', '')
 98        pdata = bytes.fromhex(packet)
 99        ldata = Common.hex_string_to_list(packet)
100        nadr = ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
101        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
102        pnum = Common.pnum_from_dpa(ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM])
103        pcmd = Common.request_pcmd_from_dpa(pnum, ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD])
104        rcode = ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
105        dpa_value = ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
106        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value,
107                   pdata=list(pdata), msgid=msgid, result=result)

Asynchronous response class.

This class is used to capture and resolve asynchronous responses, as this is a generic response class, the data is only sent as string of bytes in hexadecimal representation separated by dots.

AsyncResponse( nadr: int, pnum: iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral, pcmd: iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, hwpid: int = 65535, rcode: int = 128, dpa_value: int = 0, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None)
28    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Peripheral, pcmd: Command, hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX,
29                 rcode: int = 0x80, dpa_value: int = 0, pdata: Union[List[int], None] = None,
30                 msgid: Optional[str] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None):
31        """AsyncResponse constructor.
33        Args:
34            nadr (int): Device address.
35            pnum (Peripheral): Peripheral.
36            pcmd (Command): Peripheral command.
37            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
38            rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
39            dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
40            pdata (List[int], optional): DPA response data. Defaults to None.
41            msgid (str, optional): Message ID. Defaults to None.
42            result (dict, optional): JSON response data. Defaults to None.
43        """
44        super().__init__(
45            nadr=nadr,
46            pnum=pnum,
47            pcmd=pcmd,
48            m_type=GenericMessages.RAW,
49            hwpid=hwpid,
50            rcode=rcode,
51            dpa_value=dpa_value,
52            pdata=pdata,
53            msgid=msgid,
54            result=result
55        )

AsyncResponse constructor.

  • nadr (int): Device address.
  • pnum (Peripheral): Peripheral.
  • pcmd (Command): Peripheral command.
  • hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
  • rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
  • dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
  • pdata (List[int], optional): DPA response data. Defaults to None.
  • msgid (str, optional): Message ID. Defaults to None.
  • result (dict, optional): JSON response data. Defaults to None.
def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> AsyncResponse:
57    @classmethod
58    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'AsyncResponse':
59        """Asynchronous response DPA factory method.
61        Parses DPA data and constructs :obj:`AsyncResponse` object.
63        Args:
64            dpa (bytes): DPA response bytes.
66        Returns:
67            :obj:`AsyncResponse`: Asynchronous response message object.
68        """
69        DpaValidator.base_response_length(dpa=dpa)
70        nadr = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
71        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
72        pnum = Common.pnum_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM])
73        pcmd = Common.request_pcmd_from_dpa(pnum, dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD])
74        rcode = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
75        dpa_value = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
76        result = None
77        if rcode == ResponseCodes.ASYNC_RESPONSE:
78            if len(dpa) > 8:
79                result = {'rData': list(dpa)}
80        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value,
81                   pdata=list(dpa), result=result)

Asynchronous response DPA factory method.

Parses DPA data and constructs AsyncResponse object.

  • dpa (bytes): DPA response bytes.

AsyncResponse: Asynchronous response message object.

def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> AsyncResponse:
 83    @classmethod
 84    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'AsyncResponse':
 85        """Asynchronous response JSON factory method.
 87        Parses JSON API response and constructs :obj:`AsyncResponse` object.
 89        Args:
 90            json (dict): JSON API response.
 92        Returns:
 93            :obj:`AsyncResponse`: Asynchronous response message object.
 94        """
 95        msgid = Common.msgid_from_json(json)
 96        result = json['data']['rsp']
 97        packet = result['rData'].replace('.', '')
 98        pdata = bytes.fromhex(packet)
 99        ldata = Common.hex_string_to_list(packet)
100        nadr = ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
101        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
102        pnum = Common.pnum_from_dpa(ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM])
103        pcmd = Common.request_pcmd_from_dpa(pnum, ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD])
104        rcode = ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
105        dpa_value = ldata[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
106        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value,
107                   pdata=list(pdata), msgid=msgid, result=result)

Asynchronous response JSON factory method.

Parses JSON API response and constructs AsyncResponse object.

  • json (dict): JSON API response.

AsyncResponse: Asynchronous response message object.

class Confirmation(iqrfpy.iresponse.IResponseGetterMixin):
 18class Confirmation(IResponseGetterMixin):
 19    """Confirmation message class.
 21    DPA confirmation is used to confirm reception of DPA request by node device at coordinator.
 22    The message carries DPA value, request hops (number of hops used to deliver DPA request to node device),
 23    response hops (number of hops used to deliver DPA response from node device to coordinator),
 24    and timeslot (see DPA documentation for timeslot length calculation).
 25    """
 27    __slots__ = '_request_hops', '_response_hops', '_timeslot'
 29    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int], hwpid: int, dpa_value: int,
 30                 rcode: int, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None):
 31        """Confirmation constructor.
 33        Args:
 34            nadr (int): Device address.
 35            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral.
 36            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
 37            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
 38            rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
 39            dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
 40            pdata (List[int], optional): DPA response data. Defaults to None.
 41            result (dict, optional): JSON response data. Defaults to None.
 42        """
 43        super().__init__(
 44            nadr=nadr,
 45            pcmd=pcmd,
 46            pnum=pnum,
 47            hwpid=hwpid,
 48            rcode=rcode,
 49            dpa_value=dpa_value,
 50            pdata=pdata,
 51            result=result
 52        )
 53        self._request_hops: int = result['requestHops']
 54        self._response_hops: int = result['responseHops']
 55        self._timeslot: int = result['timeslot']
 57    @property
 58    def request_hops(self) -> int:
 59        """:obj:`int`: Request hops.
 61        Getter only.
 62        """
 63        return self._request_hops
 65    @property
 66    def response_hops(self) -> int:
 67        """:obj:`int`: Response hops.
 69        Getter only.
 70        """
 71        return self._response_hops
 73    @property
 74    def timeslot(self) -> int:
 75        """:obj:`int`: Timeslot.
 77        Getter only.
 78        """
 79        return self._timeslot
 81    @classmethod
 82    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'Confirmation':
 83        """Confirmation DPA factory method.
 85        Parses DPA confirmation message and constructs :obj:`Confirmation` object.
 87        Args:
 88            dpa (bytes): DPA confirmation bytes.
 90        Returns:
 91            :obj:`Confirmation`: Confirmation message object.
 92        """
 93        DpaValidator.confirmation_length(dpa=dpa)
 94        DpaValidator.confirmation_code(dpa=dpa)
 95        nadr = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
 96        pnum = Common.pnum_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM])
 97        pcmd = Common.request_pcmd_from_dpa(pnum, dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD])
 98        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
 99        rcode = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
100        dpa_value = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
101        pdata = list(dpa[8:])
102        result = {'requestHops': dpa[8], 'responseHops': dpa[10], 'timeslot': dpa[9]}
103        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value,
104                   pdata=pdata, result=result)
106    @classmethod
107    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'Confirmation':
108        """Confirmation JSON factory method.
110        This method is not implemented as JSON API does not support standalone Confirmation messages.
112        Raises:
113            NotImplementedError: This method is not implemented.
114        """
115        raise NotImplementedError('from_json() method not implemented.')

Confirmation message class.

DPA confirmation is used to confirm reception of DPA request by node device at coordinator. The message carries DPA value, request hops (number of hops used to deliver DPA request to node device), response hops (number of hops used to deliver DPA response from node device to coordinator), and timeslot (see DPA documentation for timeslot length calculation).

Confirmation( nadr: int, pnum: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int], hwpid: int, dpa_value: int, rcode: int, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None)
29    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int], hwpid: int, dpa_value: int,
30                 rcode: int, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None):
31        """Confirmation constructor.
33        Args:
34            nadr (int): Device address.
35            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral.
36            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
37            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
38            rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
39            dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
40            pdata (List[int], optional): DPA response data. Defaults to None.
41            result (dict, optional): JSON response data. Defaults to None.
42        """
43        super().__init__(
44            nadr=nadr,
45            pcmd=pcmd,
46            pnum=pnum,
47            hwpid=hwpid,
48            rcode=rcode,
49            dpa_value=dpa_value,
50            pdata=pdata,
51            result=result
52        )
53        self._request_hops: int = result['requestHops']
54        self._response_hops: int = result['responseHops']
55        self._timeslot: int = result['timeslot']

Confirmation constructor.

  • nadr (int): Device address.
  • pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral.
  • pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
  • hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
  • rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
  • dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
  • pdata (List[int], optional): DPA response data. Defaults to None.
  • result (dict, optional): JSON response data. Defaults to None.
request_hops: int

int: Request hops.

Getter only.

response_hops: int

int: Response hops.

Getter only.

timeslot: int

int: Timeslot.

Getter only.

def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> Confirmation:
 81    @classmethod
 82    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'Confirmation':
 83        """Confirmation DPA factory method.
 85        Parses DPA confirmation message and constructs :obj:`Confirmation` object.
 87        Args:
 88            dpa (bytes): DPA confirmation bytes.
 90        Returns:
 91            :obj:`Confirmation`: Confirmation message object.
 92        """
 93        DpaValidator.confirmation_length(dpa=dpa)
 94        DpaValidator.confirmation_code(dpa=dpa)
 95        nadr = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
 96        pnum = Common.pnum_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM])
 97        pcmd = Common.request_pcmd_from_dpa(pnum, dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD])
 98        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
 99        rcode = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
100        dpa_value = dpa[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
101        pdata = list(dpa[8:])
102        result = {'requestHops': dpa[8], 'responseHops': dpa[10], 'timeslot': dpa[9]}
103        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value,
104                   pdata=pdata, result=result)

Confirmation DPA factory method.

Parses DPA confirmation message and constructs Confirmation object.

  • dpa (bytes): DPA confirmation bytes.

Confirmation: Confirmation message object.

def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> Confirmation:
106    @classmethod
107    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'Confirmation':
108        """Confirmation JSON factory method.
110        This method is not implemented as JSON API does not support standalone Confirmation messages.
112        Raises:
113            NotImplementedError: This method is not implemented.
114        """
115        raise NotImplementedError('from_json() method not implemented.')

Confirmation JSON factory method.

This method is not implemented as JSON API does not support standalone Confirmation messages.

  • NotImplementedError: This method is not implemented.
class GenericRequest(iqrfpy.messages.IRequest):
16class GenericRequest(IRequest):
17    """Generic request class."""
19    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int],
20                 hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None,
21                 dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float] = None, dev_process_time: Optional[float] = None,
22                 msgid: Optional[str] = None):
23        """Generic request constructor.
25        Args:
26            nadr (int): Device address.
27            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
28            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
29            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535 (Ignore HWPID check).
30            pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.
31            dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA request timeout in seconds. Defaults to None.
32            dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time. Defaults to None.
33            msgid (str, optional): JSON API message ID. Defaults to None. If the parameter is not specified, a random
34                UUIDv4 string is generated and used.
35        """
36        super().__init__(
37            nadr=nadr,
38            pnum=pnum,
39            pcmd=pcmd,
40            m_type=GenericMessages.RAW,
41            hwpid=hwpid,
42            pdata=pdata,
43            dpa_rsp_time=dpa_rsp_time,
44            dev_process_time=dev_process_time,
45            msgid=msgid
46        )
48    def to_dpa(self, mutable: bool = False) -> Union[bytes, bytearray]:
49        """DPA request serialization method.
51        Args:
52            mutable (bool, optional): Serialize into mutable byte representation of DPA request packet.
53                Defaults to False.
55        Returns:
56            :obj:`bytes`: Immutable byte representation of DPA request packet.\n
57            :obj:`bytearray`: Mutable byte representation of DPA request packet (if argument mutable is True).
58        """
59        return Common.serialize_to_dpa(nadr=self._nadr, pnum=self._pnum, pcmd=self._pcmd, hwpid=self._hwpid,
60                                       pdata=self._pdata, mutable=mutable)
62    def to_json(self) -> dict:
63        """JSON API request serialization method.
65        Returns:
66            :obj:`dict`: JSON API request object.
67        """
68        dpa: List[int] = [self._nadr, 0, self._pnum, self._pcmd, self._hwpid & 0xFF, (self._hwpid >> 8) & 0xFF]
69        if self._pdata is not None:
70            dpa.extend(self._pdata)
71        json: dict = {
72            'mType': self._mtype.value,
73            'data': {
74                'msgId': self._msgid,
75                'req': {
76                    'rData': '.'.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in dpa])
77                },
78                'returnVerbose': True,
79            },
80        }
81        if self._dpa_rsp_time is not None:
82            json['data']['timeout'] = math.ceil(self._dpa_rsp_time * 1000)
83        return json

Generic request class.

GenericRequest( nadr: int, pnum: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int], hwpid: int = 65535, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float] = None, dev_process_time: Optional[float] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None)
19    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int],
20                 hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None,
21                 dpa_rsp_time: Optional[float] = None, dev_process_time: Optional[float] = None,
22                 msgid: Optional[str] = None):
23        """Generic request constructor.
25        Args:
26            nadr (int): Device address.
27            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
28            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
29            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535 (Ignore HWPID check).
30            pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.
31            dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA request timeout in seconds. Defaults to None.
32            dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time. Defaults to None.
33            msgid (str, optional): JSON API message ID. Defaults to None. If the parameter is not specified, a random
34                UUIDv4 string is generated and used.
35        """
36        super().__init__(
37            nadr=nadr,
38            pnum=pnum,
39            pcmd=pcmd,
40            m_type=GenericMessages.RAW,
41            hwpid=hwpid,
42            pdata=pdata,
43            dpa_rsp_time=dpa_rsp_time,
44            dev_process_time=dev_process_time,
45            msgid=msgid
46        )

Generic request constructor.

  • nadr (int): Device address.
  • pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
  • pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
  • hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535 (Ignore HWPID check).
  • pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.
  • dpa_rsp_time (float, optional): DPA request timeout in seconds. Defaults to None.
  • dev_process_time (float, optional): Device processing time. Defaults to None.
  • msgid (str, optional): JSON API message ID. Defaults to None. If the parameter is not specified, a random UUIDv4 string is generated and used.
def to_dpa(self, mutable: bool = False) -> Union[bytes, bytearray]:
48    def to_dpa(self, mutable: bool = False) -> Union[bytes, bytearray]:
49        """DPA request serialization method.
51        Args:
52            mutable (bool, optional): Serialize into mutable byte representation of DPA request packet.
53                Defaults to False.
55        Returns:
56            :obj:`bytes`: Immutable byte representation of DPA request packet.\n
57            :obj:`bytearray`: Mutable byte representation of DPA request packet (if argument mutable is True).
58        """
59        return Common.serialize_to_dpa(nadr=self._nadr, pnum=self._pnum, pcmd=self._pcmd, hwpid=self._hwpid,
60                                       pdata=self._pdata, mutable=mutable)

DPA request serialization method.

  • mutable (bool, optional): Serialize into mutable byte representation of DPA request packet. Defaults to False.

bytes: Immutable byte representation of DPA request packet.

bytearray: Mutable byte representation of DPA request packet (if argument mutable is True).

def to_json(self) -> dict:
62    def to_json(self) -> dict:
63        """JSON API request serialization method.
65        Returns:
66            :obj:`dict`: JSON API request object.
67        """
68        dpa: List[int] = [self._nadr, 0, self._pnum, self._pcmd, self._hwpid & 0xFF, (self._hwpid >> 8) & 0xFF]
69        if self._pdata is not None:
70            dpa.extend(self._pdata)
71        json: dict = {
72            'mType': self._mtype.value,
73            'data': {
74                'msgId': self._msgid,
75                'req': {
76                    'rData': '.'.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in dpa])
77                },
78                'returnVerbose': True,
79            },
80        }
81        if self._dpa_rsp_time is not None:
82            json['data']['timeout'] = math.ceil(self._dpa_rsp_time * 1000)
83        return json

JSON API request serialization method.


dict: JSON API request object.

class GenericResponse(iqrfpy.iresponse.IResponseGetterMixin):
15class GenericResponse(IResponseGetterMixin):
16    """Generic response class."""
18    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int],
19                 hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX, rcode: int = 0, dpa_value: int = 0,
20                 pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None):
21        """Generic response constructor.
23        Args:
24            nadr (int): Device address.
25            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
26            pcmd (pcmd: Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
27            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
28            rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
29            dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
30            pdata (List[int], optional): Raw PDATA. Defaults to None.
31            msgid (str, optional): Message ID. Defaults to None.
32        """
33        super().__init__(
34            nadr=nadr,
35            pnum=pnum,
36            pcmd=pcmd,
37            m_type=GenericMessages.RAW,
38            hwpid=hwpid,
39            rcode=rcode,
40            dpa_value=dpa_value,
41            msgid=msgid,
42            pdata=pdata,
43            result=pdata,
44        )
46    @classmethod
47    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'GenericResponse':
48        """DPA response factory method.
50        Parses DPA data and constructs GenericResponse object.
52        Args:
53            dpa (bytes): DPA response bytes.
55        Returns:
56            GenericResponse: Response message object.
57        """
58        DpaValidator.base_response_length(dpa=dpa)
59        nadr, pnum, pcmd, hwpid, rcode, dpa_value, pdata = Common.parse_dpa_into_members(dpa=dpa)
60        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value, pdata=pdata)
62    @classmethod
63    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'GenericResponse':
64        """JSON response factory method.
66        Parses JSON API response and constructs GenericResponse object.
68        Args:
69            json (dict): JSON API response.
71        Returns:
72            GenericResponse: Response message object.
73        """
74        JsonValidator.response_received(json=json)
75        msgid = Common.msgid_from_json(json=json)
76        raw = [int(x, 16) for x in Common.generic_rdata_from_json(json=json).split('.')]
77        nadr = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
78        pnum = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM]
79        pcmd = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD]
80        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(raw[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], raw[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
81        rcode = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
82        dpa_value = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
83        pdata = raw[8:] if len(raw) > 8 else None
84        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value, pdata=pdata,
85                   msgid=msgid)

Generic response class.

GenericResponse( nadr: int, pnum: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int], hwpid: int = 65535, rcode: int = 0, dpa_value: int = 0, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None)
18    def __init__(self, nadr: int, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int],
19                 hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX, rcode: int = 0, dpa_value: int = 0,
20                 pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None, msgid: Optional[str] = None):
21        """Generic response constructor.
23        Args:
24            nadr (int): Device address.
25            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
26            pcmd (pcmd: Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
27            hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
28            rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
29            dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
30            pdata (List[int], optional): Raw PDATA. Defaults to None.
31            msgid (str, optional): Message ID. Defaults to None.
32        """
33        super().__init__(
34            nadr=nadr,
35            pnum=pnum,
36            pcmd=pcmd,
37            m_type=GenericMessages.RAW,
38            hwpid=hwpid,
39            rcode=rcode,
40            dpa_value=dpa_value,
41            msgid=msgid,
42            pdata=pdata,
43            result=pdata,
44        )

Generic response constructor.

  • nadr (int): Device address.
  • pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
  • pcmd (pcmd: Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
  • hwpid (int, optional): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
  • rcode (int, optional): Response code. Defaults to 128.
  • dpa_value (int, optional): DPA value. Defaults to 0.
  • pdata (List[int], optional): Raw PDATA. Defaults to None.
  • msgid (str, optional): Message ID. Defaults to None.
def from_dpa( cls, dpa: bytes) -> GenericResponse:
46    @classmethod
47    def from_dpa(cls, dpa: bytes) -> 'GenericResponse':
48        """DPA response factory method.
50        Parses DPA data and constructs GenericResponse object.
52        Args:
53            dpa (bytes): DPA response bytes.
55        Returns:
56            GenericResponse: Response message object.
57        """
58        DpaValidator.base_response_length(dpa=dpa)
59        nadr, pnum, pcmd, hwpid, rcode, dpa_value, pdata = Common.parse_dpa_into_members(dpa=dpa)
60        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value, pdata=pdata)

DPA response factory method.

Parses DPA data and constructs GenericResponse object.

  • dpa (bytes): DPA response bytes.

GenericResponse: Response message object.

def from_json( cls, json: dict) -> GenericResponse:
62    @classmethod
63    def from_json(cls, json: dict) -> 'GenericResponse':
64        """JSON response factory method.
66        Parses JSON API response and constructs GenericResponse object.
68        Args:
69            json (dict): JSON API response.
71        Returns:
72            GenericResponse: Response message object.
73        """
74        JsonValidator.response_received(json=json)
75        msgid = Common.msgid_from_json(json=json)
76        raw = [int(x, 16) for x in Common.generic_rdata_from_json(json=json).split('.')]
77        nadr = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.NADR]
78        pnum = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.PNUM]
79        pcmd = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.PCMD]
80        hwpid = Common.hwpid_from_dpa(raw[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_HI], raw[ResponsePacketMembers.HWPID_LO])
81        rcode = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.RCODE]
82        dpa_value = raw[ResponsePacketMembers.DPA_VALUE]
83        pdata = raw[8:] if len(raw) > 8 else None
84        return cls(nadr=nadr, pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, rcode=rcode, dpa_value=dpa_value, pdata=pdata,
85                   msgid=msgid)

JSON response factory method.

Parses JSON API response and constructs GenericResponse object.

  • json (dict): JSON API response.

GenericResponse: Response message object.

CoordinatorAddrInfoReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.addr_info.AddrInfoRequest'>
CoordinatorAddrInfoRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.addr_info.AddrInfoResponse'>
CoordinatorAuthorizeBondReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.authorize_bond.AuthorizeBondRequest'>
CoordinatorAuthorizeBondRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.authorize_bond.AuthorizeBondResponse'>
CoordinatorBackupReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.backup.BackupRequest'>
CoordinatorBackupRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.backup.BackupResponse'>
CoordinatorBondNodeReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.bond_node.BondNodeRequest'>
CoordinatorBondNodeRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.bond_node.BondNodeResponse'>
CoordinatorBondedDevicesReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.bonded_devices.BondedDevicesRequest'>
CoordinatorBondedDevicesRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.bonded_devices.BondedDevicesResponse'>
CoordinatorClearAllBondsReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.clear_all_bonds.ClearAllBondsRequest'>
CoordinatorClearAllBondsRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.clear_all_bonds.ClearAllBondsResponse'>
CoordinatorDiscoveredDevicesReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.discovered_devices.DiscoveredDevicesRequest'>
CoordinatorDiscoveredDevicesRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.discovered_devices.DiscoveredDevicesResponse'>
CoordinatorDiscoveryReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.discovery.DiscoveryRequest'>
CoordinatorDiscoveryRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.discovery.DiscoveryResponse'>
CoordinatorRemoveBondReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.remove_bond.RemoveBondRequest'>
CoordinatorRemoveBondRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.remove_bond.RemoveBondResponse'>
CoordinatorRestoreReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.restore.RestoreRequest'>
CoordinatorRestoreRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.restore.RestoreResponse'>
CoordinatorSetDpaParamsReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.set_dpa_params.SetDpaParamsRequest'>
CoordinatorSetDpaParamsRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.set_dpa_params.SetDpaParamsResponse'>
CoordinatorSetHopsReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.set_hops.SetHopsRequest'>
CoordinatorSetHopsRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.set_hops.SetHopsResponse'>
CoordinatorSetMidReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.set_mid.SetMidRequest'>
CoordinatorSetMidRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.set_mid.SetMidResponse'>
CoordinatorSmartConnectReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.smart_connect.SmartConnectRequest'>
CoordinatorSmartConnectRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses.smart_connect.SmartConnectResponse'>
EeepromReadReq = <class ''>
EeepromReadRsp = <class ''>
EeepromWriteReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.eeeprom.requests.write.WriteRequest'>
EeepromWriteRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.eeeprom.responses.write.WriteResponse'>
EepromReadReq = <class ''>
EepromReadRsp = <class ''>
EepromWriteReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.eeprom.requests.write.WriteRequest'>
EepromWriteRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.eeprom.responses.write.WriteResponse'>
ExplorationPeripheralEnumerationReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.exploration.requests.peripheral_enumeration.PeripheralEnumerationRequest'>
ExplorationPeripheralEnumerationRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.exploration.responses.peripheral_enumeration.PeripheralEnumerationResponse'>
ExplorationPeripheralInformationReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.exploration.requests.peripheral_information.PeripheralInformationRequest'>
ExplorationPeripheralInformationRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.exploration.responses.peripheral_information.PeripheralInformationResponse'>
ExplorationMorePeripheralsInformationReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.exploration.requests.more_peripherals_information.MorePeripheralsInformationRequest'>
ExplorationMorePeripheralsInformationRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.exploration.responses.more_peripherals_information.MorePeripheralsInformationResponse'>
FrcSendReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.requests.send.SendRequest'>
FrcSendRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.responses.send.SendResponse'>
FrcExtraResultReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.requests.extra_result.ExtraResultRequest'>
FrcExtraResultRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.responses.extra_result.ExtraResultResponse'>
FrcSendSelectiveReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.requests.send_selective.SendSelectiveRequest'>
FrcSendSelectiveRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.responses.send_selective.SendSelectiveResponse'>
FrcSetFrcParamsReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.requests.set_frc_params.SetFrcParamsRequest'>
FrcSetFrcParamsRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.frc.responses.set_frc_params.SetFrcParamsResponse'>
IoDirectionReq = <class ''>
IoDirectionRsp = <class ''>
IoGetReq = <class ''>
IoGetRsp = <class ''>
IoSetReq = <class ''>
IoSetRsp = <class ''>
LedgSetOnReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.requests.set_on.SetOnRequest'>
LedgSetOnRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.responses.set_on.SetOnResponse'>
LedgSetOffReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.requests.set_off.SetOffRequest'>
LedgSetOffRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.responses.set_off.SetOffResponse'>
LedgPulseReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.requests.pulse.PulseRequest'>
LedgPulseRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.responses.pulse.PulseResponse'>
LedgFlashingReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.requests.flashing.FlashingRequest'>
LedgFlashingRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledg.responses.flashing.FlashingResponse'>
LedrSetOnReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.requests.set_on.SetOnRequest'>
LedrSetOnRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.responses.set_on.SetOnResponse'>
LedrSetOffReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.requests.set_off.SetOffRequest'>
LedrSetOffRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.responses.set_off.SetOffResponse'>
LedrPulseReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.requests.pulse.PulseRequest'>
LedrPulseRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.responses.pulse.PulseResponse'>
LedrFlashingReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.requests.flashing.FlashingRequest'>
LedrFlashingRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ledr.responses.flashing.FlashingResponse'>
NodeReadReq = <class ''>
NodeReadRsp = <class ''>
NodeRemoveBondReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.requests.remove_bond.RemoveBondRequest'>
NodeRemoveBondRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.responses.remove_bond.RemoveBondResponse'>
NodeBackupReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.requests.backup.BackupRequest'>
NodeBackupRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.responses.backup.BackupResponse'>
NodeRestoreReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.requests.restore.RestoreRequest'>
NodeRestoreRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.responses.restore.RestoreResponse'>
NodeValidateBondsReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.requests.validate_bonds.ValidateBondsRequest'>
NodeValidateBondsRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.node.responses.validate_bonds.ValidateBondsResponse'>
OsReadReq = <class ''>
OsReadRsp = <class ''>
OsResetReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.reset.ResetRequest'>
OsResetRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.reset.ResetResponse'>
OsRestartReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.restart.RestartRequest'>
OsRestartRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.restart.RestartResponse'>
OsReadTrConfReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.read_tr_conf.ReadTrConfRequest'>
OsReadTrConfRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.read_tr_conf.ReadTrConfResponse'>
OsWriteTrConfReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.write_tr_conf.WriteTrConfRequest'>
OsWriteTrConfRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.write_tr_conf.WriteTrConfResponse'>
OsWriteTrConfByteReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.write_tr_conf_byte.WriteTrConfByteRequest'>
OsWriteTrConfByteRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.write_tr_conf_byte.WriteTrConfByteResponse'>
OsRfpgmReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.rfpgm.RfpgmRequest'>
OsRfpgmRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.rfpgm.RfpgmResponse'>
OsSleepReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.sleep.SleepRequest'>
OsSleepRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.sleep.SleepResponse'>
OsSetSecurityReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.set_security.SetSecurityRequest'>
OsSetSecurityRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.set_security.SetSecurityResponse'>
OsBatchReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.batch.BatchRequest'>
OsBatchRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.batch.BatchResponse'>
OsSelectiveBatchReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.selective_batch.SelectiveBatchRequest'>
OsSelectiveBatchRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.selective_batch.SelectiveBatchResponse'>
OsIndicateReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.indicate.IndicateRequest'>
OsIndicateRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.indicate.IndicateResponse'>
OsFactorySettingsReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.factory_settings.FactorySettingsRequest'>
OsFactorySettingsRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.factory_settings.FactorySettingsResponse'>
OsTestRfSignalReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.test_rf_signal.TestRfSignalRequest'>
OsTestRfSignalRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.test_rf_signal.TestRfSignalResponse'>
OsLoadCodeReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.requests.load_code.LoadCodeRequest'>
OsLoadCodeRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.os.responses.load_code.LoadCodeResponse'>
RamReadReq = <class ''>
RamReadRsp = <class ''>
RamWriteReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ram.requests.write.WriteRequest'>
RamWriteRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ram.responses.write.WriteResponse'>
RamReadAnyReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ram.requests.read_any.ReadAnyRequest'>
RamReadAnyRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.ram.responses.read_any.ReadAnyResponse'>
ThermometerReadReq = <class ''>
ThermometerReadRsp = <class ''>
UartOpenReq = <class ''>
UartOpenRsp = <class ''>
UartCloseReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.uart.requests.close.CloseRequest'>
UartCloseRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.uart.responses.close.CloseResponse'>
UartWriteReadReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.uart.requests.write_read.WriteReadRequest'>
UartWriteReadRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.uart.responses.write_read.WriteReadResponse'>
UartClearWriteReadReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.uart.requests.clear_write_read.ClearWriteReadRequest'>
UartClearWriteReadRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.uart.responses.clear_write_read.ClearWriteReadResponse'>
BinaryOutputEnumerateReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.binaryoutput.requests.enumerate.EnumerateRequest'>
BinaryOutputEnumerateRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.binaryoutput.responses.enumerate.EnumerateResponse'>
BinaryOutputSetOutputReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.binaryoutput.requests.set_output.SetOutputRequest'>
BinaryOutputSetOutputRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.binaryoutput.responses.set_output.SetOutputResponse'>
SensorEnumerateReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.sensor.requests.enumerate.EnumerateRequest'>
SensorEnumerateRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.sensor.responses.enumerate.EnumerateResponse'>
SensorReadSensorsReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.sensor.requests.read_sensors.ReadSensorsRequest'>
SensorReadSensorsRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.sensor.responses.read_sensors.ReadSensorsResponse'>
SensorReadWithTypesReq = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.sensor.requests.read_sensors_with_types.ReadSensorsWithTypesRequest'>
SensorReadWithTypesRsp = <class 'iqrfpy.peripherals.sensor.responses.read_sensors_with_types.ReadSensorsWithTypesResponse'>
class BinaryOutputState:
  7class BinaryOutputState:
  8    """Binary Output State class."""
 10    __slots__ = '_index', '_state'
 12    def __init__(self, index: int, state: int):
 13        """Binary Output State constructor.
 15        Each binary output can be configured using the :obj:`state` value as follows:
 16        - 0 - sets output to OFF state
 17        - 1 - sets output to ON state
 18        - 2-127 - sets output to ON state for the next 2-127 minutes
 19        - 128 - reserved
 20        - 129-255 - sets output to ON state for the next 1-127 seconds
 22        Args:
 23            index (int): Binary output index.
 24            state (int): State to set.
 25        """
 26        self._validate(index=index, state=state)
 27        self._index = index
 28        self._state = state
 30    def _validate(self, index: int, state: int):
 31        """Validate binary output state parameters.
 33        Args:
 34            index (int): Binary output index.
 35            state (int): State to set.
 36        """
 37        self._validate_index(index=index)
 38        self._validate_state(state=state)
 40    @staticmethod
 41    def _validate_index(index: int):
 42        """Validate binary output index parameter.
 44        Args:
 45            index (int): Binary output index.
 47        Raises:
 48            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If index is less than 0 or greater than 31.
 49        """
 50        if not dpa_constants.BINOUT_INDEX_MIN <= index <= dpa_constants.BINOUT_INDEX_MAX:
 51            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Index value should be between 0 and 31.')
 53    @property
 54    def index(self) -> int:
 55        """:obj:`int`: Binary output index.
 57        Getter and setter.
 58        """
 59        return self._index
 61    @index.setter
 62    def index(self, value: int):
 63        self._validate_index(index=value)
 64        self._index = value
 66    @staticmethod
 67    def _validate_state(state: int):
 68        """Validate binary output state parameter.
 70        Args:
 71            state (int): State to set.
 73        Raises:
 74            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If state is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 75        """
 76        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= state <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
 77            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('State value should be between 0 and 255.')
 79    @property
 80    def state(self) -> int:
 81        """:obj:`int`: Binary output state.
 83        Getter and setter.
 84        """
 85        return self._state
 87    @state.setter
 88    def state(self, value: int):
 89        self._validate_state(state=value)
 90        self._state = value
 92    def to_json(self) -> dict:
 93        """Serialize Binary Output State to JSON API param.
 95        Returns:
 96            dict: JSON-serialized Binary Output State
 97        """
 98        record = {
 99            'index': self.index,
100            'state': self.state > 0,
101        }
102        if 2 <= self.state <= 127:
103            record['time'] = self.state * 60
104        elif 128 <= self.state <= 255:
105            record['time'] = self.state - 128
106        return record

Binary Output State class.

BinaryOutputState(index: int, state: int)
12    def __init__(self, index: int, state: int):
13        """Binary Output State constructor.
15        Each binary output can be configured using the :obj:`state` value as follows:
16        - 0 - sets output to OFF state
17        - 1 - sets output to ON state
18        - 2-127 - sets output to ON state for the next 2-127 minutes
19        - 128 - reserved
20        - 129-255 - sets output to ON state for the next 1-127 seconds
22        Args:
23            index (int): Binary output index.
24            state (int): State to set.
25        """
26        self._validate(index=index, state=state)
27        self._index = index
28        self._state = state

Binary Output State constructor.

Each binary output can be configured using the state value as follows:

  • 0 - sets output to OFF state
  • 1 - sets output to ON state
  • 2-127 - sets output to ON state for the next 2-127 minutes
  • 128 - reserved
  • 129-255 - sets output to ON state for the next 1-127 seconds
  • index (int): Binary output index.
  • state (int): State to set.
index: int

int: Binary output index.

Getter and setter.

state: int

int: Binary output state.

Getter and setter.

def to_json(self) -> dict:
 92    def to_json(self) -> dict:
 93        """Serialize Binary Output State to JSON API param.
 95        Returns:
 96            dict: JSON-serialized Binary Output State
 97        """
 98        record = {
 99            'index': self.index,
100            'state': self.state > 0,
101        }
102        if 2 <= self.state <= 127:
103            record['time'] = self.state * 60
104        elif 128 <= self.state <= 255:
105            record['time'] = self.state - 128
106        return record

Serialize Binary Output State to JSON API param.


dict: JSON-serialized Binary Output State

class CoordinatorAuthorizeBondParams:
 7class CoordinatorAuthorizeBondParams:
 8    """AuthorizeBondParams class.
10    Parameters for AuthorizeBond request. Each object represents a single
11    pair of device address and MID.
12    """
14    __slots__ = '_req_addr', '_mid'
16    def __init__(self, req_addr: int, mid: int):
17        """AuthorizeBondParams constructor.
19        Args:
20            req_addr (int): Device address
21            mid (int): Module ID
22        """
23        self._validate(req_addr=req_addr, mid=mid)
24        self._req_addr = req_addr
25        self._mid = mid
27    def _validate(self, req_addr: int, mid: int):
28        """Validates pair parameters.
30        Args:
31            req_addr (int): Requested node address.
32            mid (int): Module ID.
33        """
34        self._validate_req_addr(req_addr=req_addr)
35        self._validate_mid(mid=mid)
37    @staticmethod
38    def _validate_req_addr(req_addr: int):
39        """Validates requested node address.
41        Args:
42            req_addr (int): Requested node address.
44        Raises:
45            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If req_addr is less than 0 or greater than 255.
46        """
47        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= req_addr <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
48            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Requested address value should be between 1 and 239.')
50    @property
51    def req_addr(self) -> int:
52        """:obj:`int`: Requested node address.
54        Getter and setter.
55        """
56        return self._req_addr
58    @req_addr.setter
59    def req_addr(self, value: int):
60        self._validate_req_addr(req_addr=value)
61        self._req_addr = value
63    @staticmethod
64    def _validate_mid(mid: int):
65        """Validates module ID.
67        Args:
68            mid (int): Module ID.
70        Raises:
71            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If mid is less than 0 or greater than 4294967295.
72        """
73        if not dpa_constants.MID_MIN <= mid <= dpa_constants.MID_MAX:
74            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('MID value should be an unsigned 32bit integer.')
76    @property
77    def mid(self) -> int:
78        """:obj:`int`: Module ID.
80        Getter and setter.
81        """
82        return self._mid
84    @mid.setter
85    def mid(self, value: int):
86        self._validate_mid(mid=value)
87        self._mid = value

AuthorizeBondParams class.

Parameters for AuthorizeBond request. Each object represents a single pair of device address and MID.

CoordinatorAuthorizeBondParams(req_addr: int, mid: int)
16    def __init__(self, req_addr: int, mid: int):
17        """AuthorizeBondParams constructor.
19        Args:
20            req_addr (int): Device address
21            mid (int): Module ID
22        """
23        self._validate(req_addr=req_addr, mid=mid)
24        self._req_addr = req_addr
25        self._mid = mid

AuthorizeBondParams constructor.

  • req_addr (int): Device address
  • mid (int): Module ID
req_addr: int

int: Requested node address.

Getter and setter.

mid: int

int: Module ID.

Getter and setter.

class CoordinatorDpaParam(enum.IntEnum):
 6class CoordinatorDpaParam(IntEnum):
 7    """DpaParam class.
 9    Parameters for SetDpaParams request.
10    """
11    LAST_RSSI = 0
12    VOLTAGE = 1
13    SYSTEM = 2

DpaParam class.

Parameters for SetDpaParams request.

Inherited Members
class ExplorationPerEnumData:
 8class ExplorationPerEnumData:
 9    """Exploration Peripheral Enumeration Data class."""
11    __slots__ = 'dpa_version', 'user_per_nr', 'embedded_pers', 'hwpid', 'hwpid_ver', 'flags', 'user_per'
13    def __init__(self, result: dict, os_read: bool = False):
14        """Peripheral Enumeration Data constructor.
16        Args:
17            result (dict): Peripheral enumeration result.
18            os_read (boolean): Data parsed from OS Read response.
19        """
20        self.dpa_version: int = result['dpaVer']
21        """DPA version."""
22        self.user_per_nr: int = result['perNr']
23        """Number of non-embedded peripherals implemented by custom DPA handler."""
24        self.embedded_pers: List[int] = result['embeddedPers']
25        """List of embedded peripherals implemented by device."""
26        self.hwpid: int = result['hwpid']
27        """Hardware profile ID."""
28        self.hwpid_ver: int = result['hwpidVer']
29        """Hardware profile version."""
30        self.flags: int = result['flagsEnum' if os_read else 'flags']
31        """Device function flags."""
32        self.user_per: List[int] = result['userPer']
33        """List of non-embedded peripherals implemented by device."""

Exploration Peripheral Enumeration Data class.

ExplorationPerEnumData(result: dict, os_read: bool = False)
13    def __init__(self, result: dict, os_read: bool = False):
14        """Peripheral Enumeration Data constructor.
16        Args:
17            result (dict): Peripheral enumeration result.
18            os_read (boolean): Data parsed from OS Read response.
19        """
20        self.dpa_version: int = result['dpaVer']
21        """DPA version."""
22        self.user_per_nr: int = result['perNr']
23        """Number of non-embedded peripherals implemented by custom DPA handler."""
24        self.embedded_pers: List[int] = result['embeddedPers']
25        """List of embedded peripherals implemented by device."""
26        self.hwpid: int = result['hwpid']
27        """Hardware profile ID."""
28        self.hwpid_ver: int = result['hwpidVer']
29        """Hardware profile version."""
30        self.flags: int = result['flagsEnum' if os_read else 'flags']
31        """Device function flags."""
32        self.user_per: List[int] = result['userPer']
33        """List of non-embedded peripherals implemented by device."""

Peripheral Enumeration Data constructor.

  • result (dict): Peripheral enumeration result.
  • os_read (boolean): Data parsed from OS Read response.
dpa_version: int

DPA version.

user_per_nr: int

Number of non-embedded peripherals implemented by custom DPA handler.

embedded_pers: List[int]

List of embedded peripherals implemented by device.

hwpid: int

Hardware profile ID.

hwpid_ver: int

Hardware profile version.

flags: int

Device function flags.

user_per: List[int]

List of non-embedded peripherals implemented by device.

class ExplorationPerInfoData:
 9class ExplorationPerInfoData:
10    """Exploration Peripheral Information Data class."""
12    __slots__ = 'perte', 'pert', 'par1', 'par2'
14    def __init__(self, result: dict):
15        """Peripheral Information Data constructor.
17        Args:
18            result (dict): Peripheral enumeration result.
19        """
20        self.perte: int = result['perTe']
21        """Extended peripheral characteristic."""
22        self.pert: Union[PeripheralTypes, int] = result['perT']
23        """Peripheral type. If the peripheral is not supported or enabled, value is equal
24        to :obj:`PERIPHERAL_TYPE_DUMMY`."""
25        self.par1 = result['par1']
26        """Optional peripheral specific information."""
27        self.par2 = result['par2']
28        """Optional peripheral specific information."""

Exploration Peripheral Information Data class.

ExplorationPerInfoData(result: dict)
14    def __init__(self, result: dict):
15        """Peripheral Information Data constructor.
17        Args:
18            result (dict): Peripheral enumeration result.
19        """
20        self.perte: int = result['perTe']
21        """Extended peripheral characteristic."""
22        self.pert: Union[PeripheralTypes, int] = result['perT']
23        """Peripheral type. If the peripheral is not supported or enabled, value is equal
24        to :obj:`PERIPHERAL_TYPE_DUMMY`."""
25        self.par1 = result['par1']
26        """Optional peripheral specific information."""
27        self.par2 = result['par2']
28        """Optional peripheral specific information."""

Peripheral Information Data constructor.

  • result (dict): Peripheral enumeration result.
perte: int

Extended peripheral characteristic.

Peripheral type. If the peripheral is not supported or enabled, value is equal to PERIPHERAL_TYPE_DUMMY.


Optional peripheral specific information.


Optional peripheral specific information.

class IoTriplet:
  8class IoTriplet:
  9    """IO Triplet parameter class."""
 11    __slots__ = '_port', '_mask', '_value'
 13    def __init__(self, port: Union[IoConstants, int], mask: int, value: int):
 14        """IO Triplet constructor.
 16        Args:
 17            port (Union[IoConstants, int]): Port number.
 18            mask (int): Port pin mask.
 19            value (int): Value to write.
 20        """
 21        self._validate(port=port, mask=mask, value=value)
 22        self._port = port
 23        self._mask = mask
 24        self._value = value
 26    def _validate(self, port: int, mask: int, value: int):
 27        """Validate IO triplet parameters.
 29        Args:
 30            port (int): Port number.
 31            mask (int): Port pin mask.
 32            value (int): Value to write.
 33        """
 34        self._validate_port(port=port)
 35        self._validate_mask(mask=mask)
 36        self._validate_value(value=value)
 38    @staticmethod
 39    def _validate_port(port: Union[IoConstants, int]):
 40        """Validate port number.
 42        Args:
 43            port (Union[IoConstants, int]): Port number.
 45        Raises:
 46            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If port is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 47        """
 48        if not BYTE_MIN <= port <= BYTE_MAX:
 49            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Port should be between 0 and 255.')
 51    @property
 52    def port(self) -> Union[IoConstants, int]:
 53        """:obj:`int` or :obj:`IoConstants`: Port number.
 55        Getter and setter.
 56        """
 57        return self._port
 59    @port.setter
 60    def port(self, val: Union[IoConstants, int]):
 61        self._validate_port(port=val)
 62        self._value = val
 64    @staticmethod
 65    def _validate_mask(mask: int):
 66        """Validate port pin mask.
 68        Args:
 69            mask (int): Port pin mask.
 71        Raises:
 72            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If mask is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 73        """
 74        if not BYTE_MIN <= mask <= BYTE_MAX:
 75            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Mask should be between 0 and 255.')
 77    @property
 78    def mask(self) -> int:
 79        """:obj:`int`: Port pin mask.
 81        Getter and setter.
 82        """
 83        return self._mask
 85    @mask.setter
 86    def mask(self, val: int):
 87        self._validate_mask(mask=val)
 88        self._mask = val
 90    @staticmethod
 91    def _validate_value(value: int):
 92        """Validate value to write.
 94        Args:
 95            value (int): Value to write.
 97        Raises:
 98            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If value is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 99        """
100        if not BYTE_MIN <= value <= BYTE_MAX:
101            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Value should be between 0 and 255.')
103    @property
104    def value(self) -> int:
105        """:obj:`int`: Value to write.
107        Getter and setter.
108        """
109        return self._value
111    @value.setter
112    def value(self, val: int):
113        self._validate_value(value=val)
114        self._value = val

IO Triplet parameter class.

IoTriplet( port: Union[iqrfpy.utils.dpa.IoConstants, int], mask: int, value: int)
13    def __init__(self, port: Union[IoConstants, int], mask: int, value: int):
14        """IO Triplet constructor.
16        Args:
17            port (Union[IoConstants, int]): Port number.
18            mask (int): Port pin mask.
19            value (int): Value to write.
20        """
21        self._validate(port=port, mask=mask, value=value)
22        self._port = port
23        self._mask = mask
24        self._value = value

IO Triplet constructor.

  • port (Union[IoConstants, int]): Port number.
  • mask (int): Port pin mask.
  • value (int): Value to write.
port: Union[iqrfpy.utils.dpa.IoConstants, int]

int or IoConstants: Port number.

Getter and setter.

mask: int

int: Port pin mask.

Getter and setter.

value: int

int: Value to write.

Getter and setter.

class NodeReadData:
 7class NodeReadData:
 8    """Node Read Data class."""
10    __slots__ = 'ntw_addr', 'ntw_vrn', 'ntw_zin', 'ntw_did', 'ntw_pvrn', 'ntw_useraddr', 'ntw_id', 'ntw_vrnfnz', \
11        'ntw_cfg', 'flags'
13    def __init__(self, data: dict):
14        """Node Read Data constructor.
16        Args:
17            data (dict): Node read result.
18        """
19        self.ntw_addr: int = data['ntwADDR']
20        """Logical node address."""
21        self.ntw_vrn: int = data['ntwVRN']
22        """Virtual routing number."""
23        self.ntw_zin: int = data['ntwZIN']
24        """Zone index (zone number + 1)."""
25        self.ntw_did: int = data['ntwDID']
26        """Discovery ID."""
27        self.ntw_pvrn: int = data['ntwPVRN']
28        """Parent virtual routing number."""
29        self.ntw_useraddr: int = data['ntwUSERADDRESS']
30        """User address."""
31        self.ntw_id: int = data['ntwID']
32        """Network identification."""
33        self.ntw_vrnfnz: int = data['ntwVRNFNZ']
34        """Virtual routing number of first node in zone."""
35        self.ntw_cfg: int = data['ntwCFG']
36        """Network configuration."""
37        self.flags: int = data['flags']
38        """Node flags."""

Node Read Data class.

NodeReadData(data: dict)
13    def __init__(self, data: dict):
14        """Node Read Data constructor.
16        Args:
17            data (dict): Node read result.
18        """
19        self.ntw_addr: int = data['ntwADDR']
20        """Logical node address."""
21        self.ntw_vrn: int = data['ntwVRN']
22        """Virtual routing number."""
23        self.ntw_zin: int = data['ntwZIN']
24        """Zone index (zone number + 1)."""
25        self.ntw_did: int = data['ntwDID']
26        """Discovery ID."""
27        self.ntw_pvrn: int = data['ntwPVRN']
28        """Parent virtual routing number."""
29        self.ntw_useraddr: int = data['ntwUSERADDRESS']
30        """User address."""
31        self.ntw_id: int = data['ntwID']
32        """Network identification."""
33        self.ntw_vrnfnz: int = data['ntwVRNFNZ']
34        """Virtual routing number of first node in zone."""
35        self.ntw_cfg: int = data['ntwCFG']
36        """Network configuration."""
37        self.flags: int = data['flags']
38        """Node flags."""

Node Read Data constructor.

  • data (dict): Node read result.
ntw_addr: int

Logical node address.

ntw_vrn: int

Virtual routing number.

ntw_zin: int

Zone index (zone number + 1).

ntw_did: int

Discovery ID.

ntw_pvrn: int

Parent virtual routing number.

ntw_useraddr: int

User address.

ntw_id: int

Network identification.

ntw_vrnfnz: int

Virtual routing number of first node in zone.

ntw_cfg: int

Network configuration.

flags: int

Node flags.

class NodeValidateBondsParams:
 7class NodeValidateBondsParams:
 8    """Node Validate Bonds parameters class."""
10    __slots__ = '_bond_addr', '_mid'
12    def __init__(self, bond_addr: int, mid: int):
13        """Validate Bonds parameters constructor.
15        Args:
16            bond_addr (int): Node device address.
17            mid (int): Node module ID.
18        """
19        self._validate(bond_addr=bond_addr, mid=mid)
20        self._bond_addr = bond_addr
21        self._mid = mid
23    def _validate(self, bond_addr: int, mid: int):
24        """Validate parameters.
26        Args:
27            bond_addr (int): Node device address.
28            mid (int): Node module ID.
29        """
30        self._validate_bond_addr(bond_addr)
31        self._validate_mid(mid)
33    @staticmethod
34    def _validate_bond_addr(bond_addr: int):
35        """Validate node device address parameter.
37        Args:
38            bond_addr (int): Node device address.
40        Raises:
41            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If bond_addr is less than 0 or greater than 255.
42        """
43        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= bond_addr <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
44            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Bond address value should be between 0 and 255.')
46    @property
47    def bond_addr(self) -> int:
48        """:obj:`int`: Node device address.
50        Getter and setter.
51        """
52        return self._bond_addr
54    @bond_addr.setter
55    def bond_addr(self, value: int):
56        self._validate_bond_addr(value)
57        self._bond_addr = value
59    @staticmethod
60    def _validate_mid(mid: int):
61        """Validate module ID parameter.
63        Args:
64            mid (int): Node module ID.
66        Raises:
67            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If mid is less than 0 or greater than 4294967295.
68        """
69        if not dpa_constants.MID_MIN <= mid <= dpa_constants.MID_MAX:
70            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('MID value should be an unsigned 32bit integer.')
72    @property
73    def mid(self):
74        """:obj:`int`: Module ID.
76        Getter and setter.
77        """
78        return self._mid
80    @mid.setter
81    def mid(self, value):
82        self._validate_mid(value)
83        self._mid = value

Node Validate Bonds parameters class.

NodeValidateBondsParams(bond_addr: int, mid: int)
12    def __init__(self, bond_addr: int, mid: int):
13        """Validate Bonds parameters constructor.
15        Args:
16            bond_addr (int): Node device address.
17            mid (int): Node module ID.
18        """
19        self._validate(bond_addr=bond_addr, mid=mid)
20        self._bond_addr = bond_addr
21        self._mid = mid

Validate Bonds parameters constructor.

  • bond_addr (int): Node device address.
  • mid (int): Node module ID.
bond_addr: int

int: Node device address.

Getter and setter.


int: Module ID.

Getter and setter.

class OsBatchData:
 11class OsBatchData:
 12    """Batch Data class."""
 14    __slots__ = '_pnum', '_pcmd', '_hwpid', '_pdata'
 16    def __init__(self, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int], hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX,
 17                 pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None):
 18        """Batch Data constructor.
 20        Args:
 21            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
 22            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
 23            hwpid (int): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
 24            pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.
 25        """
 26        self._validate(pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, pdata=pdata)
 27        self._pnum = pnum
 28        self._pcmd = pcmd
 29        self._hwpid = hwpid
 30        self._pdata = pdata if pdata is not None else []
 32    def _validate(self, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int], hwpid: int,
 33                  pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None):
 34        """Validate batch parameters.
 36        Args:
 37            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
 38            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
 39            hwpid (int): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
 40            pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.
 41        """
 42        self._validate_pnum(pnum)
 43        self._validate_pcmd(pcmd)
 44        self._validate_hwpid(hwpid)
 45        self._validate_pdata(pdata)
 47    @staticmethod
 48    def _validate_pnum(pnum: Union[Peripheral, int]):
 49        """Validate peripheral number parameter.
 51        Args:
 52            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
 54        Raises:
 55            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If pnum is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 56        """
 57        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= pnum <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
 58            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('PNUM value should be between 0 and 255.')
 60    @property
 61    def pnum(self) -> Union[Peripheral, int]:
 62        """:obj:`Peripheral` or :obj:`int`: Peripheral number.
 64        Getter and setter.
 65        """
 66        return self._pnum
 68    @pnum.setter
 69    def pnum(self, value: Union[Peripheral, int]):
 70        self._validate_pnum(value)
 71        self._pnum = value
 73    @staticmethod
 74    def _validate_pcmd(pcmd: Union[Command, int]):
 75        """Validate peripheral command parameter.
 77        Args:
 78            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
 80        Raises:
 81            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If pcmd is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 82        """
 83        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= pcmd <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
 84            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('PCMD value should be between 0 and 255.')
 86    @property
 87    def pcmd(self) -> Union[Command, int]:
 88        """:obj:`Command` or :obj:`int`: Peripheral command.
 90        Getter and setter.
 91        """
 92        return self._pcmd
 94    @pcmd.setter
 95    def pcmd(self, value: Union[Command, int]):
 96        self._validate_pcmd(value)
 97        self._pcmd = value
 99    @staticmethod
100    def _validate_hwpid(hwpid: int):
101        """Validate hardware profile ID parameter.
103        Args:
104            hwpid (int): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
106        Raises:
107            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If hwpid is less than 0 or greater than 65535.
108        """
109        if not dpa_constants.HWPID_MIN <= hwpid <= dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX:
110            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('HWPID value should be between 0 and 65535.')
112    @property
113    def hwpid(self) -> int:
114        """:obj:`int`: Hardware profile ID.
116        Getter and setter.
117        """
118        return self._hwpid
120    @hwpid.setter
121    def hwpid(self, value: int):
122        self._validate_hwpid(value)
123        self._hwpid = value
125    @staticmethod
126    def _validate_pdata(pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None):
127        """Validate pdata parameter.
129        Args:
130            pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.
131        """
132        if pdata is None:
133            return
134        if not Common.values_in_byte_range(pdata):
135            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('PDATA values should be between 0 and 255.')
137    @property
138    def pdata(self) -> Optional[List[int]]:
139        """:obj:`list` of :obj:`int` or :obj:`None`: Request data.
141        Getter and setter.
142        """
143        return self._pdata
145    @pdata.setter
146    def pdata(self, value: Optional[List[int]] = None):
147        self._validate_pdata(value)
148        self._pdata = value if value is not None else []
150    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
151        """Serialize batch data into DPA request pdata.
153        Returns:
154            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized DPA request pdata.
155        """
156        data = [self._pnum, self._pcmd, self._hwpid & 0xFF, (self._hwpid >> 8) & 0xFF] + self._pdata
157        return [len(data) + 1] + data
159    def to_json(self) -> dict:
160        """Serialize batch data into JSON API request data.
162        Returns:
163            :obj:`dict`: Serialized JSON API request data.
164        """
165        data = {
166            'pnum': f'{self._pnum:02x}',
167            'pcmd': f'{self._pcmd:02x}',
168            'hwpid': f'{self._hwpid:04x}',
169        }
170        if self._pdata is not None and len(self._pdata) > 0:
171            data['rdata'] = '.'.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in self._pdata])
172        return data

Batch Data class.

OsBatchData( pnum: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int], hwpid: int = 65535, pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None)
16    def __init__(self, pnum: Union[Peripheral, int], pcmd: Union[Command, int], hwpid: int = dpa_constants.HWPID_MAX,
17                 pdata: Optional[List[int]] = None):
18        """Batch Data constructor.
20        Args:
21            pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
22            pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
23            hwpid (int): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
24            pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.
25        """
26        self._validate(pnum=pnum, pcmd=pcmd, hwpid=hwpid, pdata=pdata)
27        self._pnum = pnum
28        self._pcmd = pcmd
29        self._hwpid = hwpid
30        self._pdata = pdata if pdata is not None else []

Batch Data constructor.

  • pnum (Union[Peripheral, int]): Peripheral number.
  • pcmd (Union[Command, int]): Peripheral command.
  • hwpid (int): Hardware profile ID. Defaults to 65535, this value ignores HWPID check.
  • pdata (List[int], optional): Request data.

Peripheral or int: Peripheral number.

Getter and setter.

pcmd: Union[iqrfpy.enums.commands.Command, int]

Command or int: Peripheral command.

Getter and setter.

hwpid: int

int: Hardware profile ID.

Getter and setter.

pdata: Optional[List[int]]

list of int or None: Request data.

Getter and setter.

def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
150    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
151        """Serialize batch data into DPA request pdata.
153        Returns:
154            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized DPA request pdata.
155        """
156        data = [self._pnum, self._pcmd, self._hwpid & 0xFF, (self._hwpid >> 8) & 0xFF] + self._pdata
157        return [len(data) + 1] + data

Serialize batch data into DPA request pdata.


list of int: Serialized DPA request pdata.

def to_json(self) -> dict:
159    def to_json(self) -> dict:
160        """Serialize batch data into JSON API request data.
162        Returns:
163            :obj:`dict`: Serialized JSON API request data.
164        """
165        data = {
166            'pnum': f'{self._pnum:02x}',
167            'pcmd': f'{self._pcmd:02x}',
168            'hwpid': f'{self._hwpid:04x}',
169        }
170        if self._pdata is not None and len(self._pdata) > 0:
171            data['rdata'] = '.'.join([f'{x:02x}' for x in self._pdata])
172        return data

Serialize batch data into JSON API request data.


dict: Serialized JSON API request data.

class OsIndicateParam(iqrfpy.utils.enums.IntEnumMember):
 6class OsIndicateParam(IntEnumMember):
 7    """OS Indicate control params enum."""
 9    OFF = 0
10    ON = 1
11    INDICATE_1S = 2
12    INDICATE_10S = 3

OS Indicate control params enum.

OFF = <OsIndicateParam.OFF: 0>
ON = <OsIndicateParam.ON: 1>
INDICATE_1S = <OsIndicateParam.INDICATE_1S: 2>
INDICATE_10S = <OsIndicateParam.INDICATE_10S: 3>
Inherited Members
class OsLoadCodeFlags:
 6class OsLoadCodeFlags:
 7    """OS Load Code flags class."""
 8    __slots__ = '_action', '_code_type'
10    def __init__(self, action: OsLoadCodeAction, code_type: OsLoadCodeType):
11        """Load Code flags constructor.
13        Args:
14            action (OsLoadCodeAction): Load code action.
15            code_type (OsLoadCodeType): Load code code type.
16        """
17        self._action = action
18        self._code_type = code_type
20    @property
21    def action(self) -> OsLoadCodeAction:
22        """:obj:`OsLoadCodeAction`: Load Code action.
24        Getter and setter.
25        """
26        return self._action
28    @action.setter
29    def action(self, value: OsLoadCodeAction):
30        self._action = value
32    @property
33    def code_type(self) -> OsLoadCodeType:
34        """:obj:`OsLoadCodeType`: Load Code code type.
36        Getter and setter.
37        """
38        return self._code_type
40    @code_type.setter
41    def code_type(self, value: OsLoadCodeType):
42        self._code_type = value
44    def serialize(self) -> int:
45        """Serialize flags into an integer value.
47        Returns:
48            :obj:`int`: Flags value.
49        """
50        return self._action | (self._code_type << 1)

OS Load Code flags class.

OsLoadCodeFlags( action: iqrfpy.utils.dpa.OsLoadCodeAction, code_type: iqrfpy.utils.dpa.OsLoadCodeType)
10    def __init__(self, action: OsLoadCodeAction, code_type: OsLoadCodeType):
11        """Load Code flags constructor.
13        Args:
14            action (OsLoadCodeAction): Load code action.
15            code_type (OsLoadCodeType): Load code code type.
16        """
17        self._action = action
18        self._code_type = code_type

Load Code flags constructor.

  • action (OsLoadCodeAction): Load code action.
  • code_type (OsLoadCodeType): Load code code type.

OsLoadCodeAction: Load Code action.

Getter and setter.

OsLoadCodeType: Load Code code type.

Getter and setter.

def serialize(self) -> int:
44    def serialize(self) -> int:
45        """Serialize flags into an integer value.
47        Returns:
48            :obj:`int`: Flags value.
49        """
50        return self._action | (self._code_type << 1)

Serialize flags into an integer value.


int: Flags value.

class OsReadData:
 9class OsReadData:
10    """OS Read Data class."""
12    __slots__ = 'mid', 'os_version', 'tr_mcu_type', 'os_build', 'rssi', 'supply_voltage', 'flags', 'slot_limits', 'ibk', \
13        'per_enum'
15    def __init__(self, data: dict):
16        """Read Data constructor.
18        Args:
19            data (dict): OS Read data.
20        """
21        self.mid: int = data['mid']
22        """Module ID."""
23        self.os_version: int = data['osVersion']
24        """OS version."""
25        self.tr_mcu_type: TrMcuTypeData = TrMcuTypeData(data['trMcuType'])
26        """MCU type and TR series."""
27        self.os_build: int = data['osBuild']
28        """OS build."""
29        self.rssi: int = data['rssi']
30        """RSSI."""
31        self.supply_voltage: int = data['supplyVoltage']
32        """Supply voltage."""
33        self.flags: int = data['flags']
34        """OS flags."""
35        self.slot_limits: int = data['slotLimits']
36        """Slot limits."""
37        self.ibk: int = data['ibk']
38        """Individual bonding key."""
39        self.per_enum: ExplorationPerEnumData = ExplorationPerEnumData(data, os_read=True)
40        """Peripheral enumeration data."""

OS Read Data class.

OsReadData(data: dict)
15    def __init__(self, data: dict):
16        """Read Data constructor.
18        Args:
19            data (dict): OS Read data.
20        """
21        self.mid: int = data['mid']
22        """Module ID."""
23        self.os_version: int = data['osVersion']
24        """OS version."""
25        self.tr_mcu_type: TrMcuTypeData = TrMcuTypeData(data['trMcuType'])
26        """MCU type and TR series."""
27        self.os_build: int = data['osBuild']
28        """OS build."""
29        self.rssi: int = data['rssi']
30        """RSSI."""
31        self.supply_voltage: int = data['supplyVoltage']
32        """Supply voltage."""
33        self.flags: int = data['flags']
34        """OS flags."""
35        self.slot_limits: int = data['slotLimits']
36        """Slot limits."""
37        self.ibk: int = data['ibk']
38        """Individual bonding key."""
39        self.per_enum: ExplorationPerEnumData = ExplorationPerEnumData(data, os_read=True)
40        """Peripheral enumeration data."""

Read Data constructor.

  • data (dict): OS Read data.
mid: int

Module ID.

os_version: int

OS version.

tr_mcu_type: iqrfpy.objects.tr_mcu_type_data.TrMcuTypeData

MCU type and TR series.

os_build: int

OS build.

rssi: int


supply_voltage: int

Supply voltage.

flags: int

OS flags.

slot_limits: int

Slot limits.

ibk: int

Individual bonding key.

Peripheral enumeration data.

class OsSecurityTypeParam(iqrfpy.utils.enums.IntEnumMember):
 6class OsSecurityTypeParam(IntEnumMember):
 7    """OS Security type enum."""
10    USER_KEY = 1

OS Security type enum.

Inherited Members
class OsSleepParams:
 8class OsSleepParams:
 9    """OS Sleep Params class."""
11    __slots__ = '_time', 'wake_up_on_negative_edge', 'calibrate_before_sleep', 'flash_led_after_sleep', \
12        'wake_up_on_positive_edge', 'use_milliseconds', 'use_deep_sleep'
14    def __init__(self, time: int = 0, wake_up_on_negative_edge: bool = False, calibrate_before_sleep: bool = False,
15                 flash_led_after_sleep: bool = False, wake_up_on_positive_edge: bool = False,
16                 use_milliseconds: bool = False, use_deep_sleep: bool = False):
17        """Sleep Params constructor.
19        Args:
20            time (int): Sleep time.
21            wake_up_on_negative_edge (bool): Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 negative edge change.
22            calibrate_before_sleep (bool): Run calibration process before sleep.
23            flash_led_after_sleep (bool): Flash green LED once after waking up.
24            wake_up_on_positive_edge (bool): Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 positive edge change.
25            use_milliseconds (bool): Use sleep time with unit of 32.768 ms instead of 2.097s.
26            use_deep_sleep (bool): The IC is shutdown during sleep.
27        """
28        self._validate_time(time)
29        self._time = time
30        self.wake_up_on_negative_edge = wake_up_on_negative_edge
31        """Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 negative edge change."""
32        self.calibrate_before_sleep = calibrate_before_sleep
33        """Run calibration process before sleep."""
34        self.flash_led_after_sleep = flash_led_after_sleep
35        """Flash green LED once after waking up."""
36        self.wake_up_on_positive_edge = wake_up_on_positive_edge
37        """Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 positive edge change."""
38        self.use_milliseconds = use_milliseconds
39        """Use sleep time with unit of 32.768 ms instead of 2.097s."""
40        self.use_deep_sleep = use_deep_sleep
41        """The IC is shutdown during sleep."""
43    @staticmethod
44    def _validate_time(time: int):
45        """Validate sleep time parameter.
47        Args:
48            time (int): Sleep time.
50        Raises:
51            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If time is less than 0 or greater than 255.
52        """
53        if not dpa_constants.WORD_MIN <= time <= dpa_constants.WORD_MAX:
54            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Time value should be between 0 and 65535.')
56    @property
57    def time(self) -> int:
58        """:obj:`int`: Sleep time.
60        Getter and setter.
61        """
62        return self._time
64    @time.setter
65    def time(self, value: int):
66        self._validate_time(value)
67        self._time = value
69    def _calculate_control(self) -> int:
70        """Convert flags into a single value.
72        Returns:
73            :obj:`int`: Flags value.
74        """
75        return self.wake_up_on_negative_edge | (self.calibrate_before_sleep << 1) | \
76            (self.flash_led_after_sleep << 2) | (self.wake_up_on_positive_edge << 3) | \
77            (self.use_milliseconds << 4) | (self.use_deep_sleep << 5)
79    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
80        """Serialize sleep parameters into DPA request pdata.
82        Returns:
83            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized DPA request pdata.
84        """
85        return [self._time & 0xFF, (self.time >> 8) & 0xFF, self._calculate_control()]
87    def to_json(self) -> dict:
88        """Serializes sleep parameters into JSON API request data.
90        Returns:
91            :obj:`dict`: Serialized JSON API request data.
92        """
93        return {
94            'time': self._time,
95            'control': self._calculate_control()
96        }

OS Sleep Params class.

OsSleepParams( time: int = 0, wake_up_on_negative_edge: bool = False, calibrate_before_sleep: bool = False, flash_led_after_sleep: bool = False, wake_up_on_positive_edge: bool = False, use_milliseconds: bool = False, use_deep_sleep: bool = False)
14    def __init__(self, time: int = 0, wake_up_on_negative_edge: bool = False, calibrate_before_sleep: bool = False,
15                 flash_led_after_sleep: bool = False, wake_up_on_positive_edge: bool = False,
16                 use_milliseconds: bool = False, use_deep_sleep: bool = False):
17        """Sleep Params constructor.
19        Args:
20            time (int): Sleep time.
21            wake_up_on_negative_edge (bool): Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 negative edge change.
22            calibrate_before_sleep (bool): Run calibration process before sleep.
23            flash_led_after_sleep (bool): Flash green LED once after waking up.
24            wake_up_on_positive_edge (bool): Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 positive edge change.
25            use_milliseconds (bool): Use sleep time with unit of 32.768 ms instead of 2.097s.
26            use_deep_sleep (bool): The IC is shutdown during sleep.
27        """
28        self._validate_time(time)
29        self._time = time
30        self.wake_up_on_negative_edge = wake_up_on_negative_edge
31        """Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 negative edge change."""
32        self.calibrate_before_sleep = calibrate_before_sleep
33        """Run calibration process before sleep."""
34        self.flash_led_after_sleep = flash_led_after_sleep
35        """Flash green LED once after waking up."""
36        self.wake_up_on_positive_edge = wake_up_on_positive_edge
37        """Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 positive edge change."""
38        self.use_milliseconds = use_milliseconds
39        """Use sleep time with unit of 32.768 ms instead of 2.097s."""
40        self.use_deep_sleep = use_deep_sleep
41        """The IC is shutdown during sleep."""

Sleep Params constructor.

  • time (int): Sleep time.
  • wake_up_on_negative_edge (bool): Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 negative edge change.
  • calibrate_before_sleep (bool): Run calibration process before sleep.
  • flash_led_after_sleep (bool): Flash green LED once after waking up.
  • wake_up_on_positive_edge (bool): Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 positive edge change.
  • use_milliseconds (bool): Use sleep time with unit of 32.768 ms instead of 2.097s.
  • use_deep_sleep (bool): The IC is shutdown during sleep.

Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 negative edge change.


Run calibration process before sleep.


Flash green LED once after waking up.


Wake up on PORT B, bit 4 positive edge change.


Use sleep time with unit of 32.768 ms instead of 2.097s.


The IC is shutdown during sleep.

time: int

int: Sleep time.

Getter and setter.

def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
79    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
80        """Serialize sleep parameters into DPA request pdata.
82        Returns:
83            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized DPA request pdata.
84        """
85        return [self._time & 0xFF, (self.time >> 8) & 0xFF, self._calculate_control()]

Serialize sleep parameters into DPA request pdata.


list of int: Serialized DPA request pdata.

def to_json(self) -> dict:
87    def to_json(self) -> dict:
88        """Serializes sleep parameters into JSON API request data.
90        Returns:
91            :obj:`dict`: Serialized JSON API request data.
92        """
93        return {
94            'time': self._time,
95            'control': self._calculate_control()
96        }

Serializes sleep parameters into JSON API request data.


dict: Serialized JSON API request data.

class OsTrConfByte:
  8class OsTrConfByte:
  9    """TR Configuration Byte class."""
 11    __slots__ = '_address', '_value', '_mask'
 13    def __init__(self, address: int, value: int, mask: int):
 14        """TR Configuration Byte constructor.
 16        Args:
 17            address (int): Configuration memory block address.
 18            value (int): Value to set.
 19            mask (int): Bits of configuration byte to modify.
 20        """
 21        self._validate(address=address, value=value, mask=mask)
 22        self._address = address
 23        self._value = value
 24        self._mask = mask
 26    def __eq__(self, other: 'OsTrConfByte'):
 27        """Rich comparison method, comparing this and another object to determine equality based on properties.
 29        Args:
 30            other (OsTrConfByte): Object to compare with.
 32        Returns:
 33            bool: True if the objects are equivalent, False otherwise.
 34        """
 35        return self.address == other.address and \
 36            self.value == other.value and \
 37            self.mask == other.mask
 39    def _validate(self, address: int, value: int, mask: int):
 40        """Validate TR Configuration Byte parameters.
 42        Args:
 43            address (int): Configuration memory block address.
 44            value (int): Value to set.
 45            mask (int): Bits of configuration byte to modify.
 46        """
 47        self._validate_address(address=address)
 48        self._validate_value(value=value)
 49        self._validate_mask(mask=mask)
 51    @staticmethod
 52    def _validate_address(address: int):
 53        """Validate address parameter.
 55        Args:
 56            address (int): Configuration memory block address.
 58        Raises:
 59            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If address is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 60        """
 61        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= address <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
 62            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Address value should be between 0 and 255.')
 64    @property
 65    def address(self) -> int:
 66        """:obj:`int`: Configuration memory block address.
 68        Getter and setter.
 69        """
 70        return self._address
 72    @address.setter
 73    def address(self, value: int):
 74        self._validate_address(address=value)
 75        self._address = value
 77    @staticmethod
 78    def _validate_value(value: int):
 79        """Validate value parameter.
 81        Args:
 82            value (int): Value to set.
 84        Raises:
 85            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If value is less than 0 or greater than 255.
 86        """
 87        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= value <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
 88            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Value should be between 0 and 255.')
 90    @property
 91    def value(self) -> int:
 92        """:obj:`int`: Value to set.
 94        Getter and setter.
 95        """
 96        return self._value
 98    @value.setter
 99    def value(self, val: int):
100        self._validate_value(value=val)
101        self._value = val
103    @staticmethod
104    def _validate_mask(mask: int):
105        """Validate mask parameter.
107        Args:
108            mask (int): Bits of configuration byte to modify.
110        Raises:
111            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If mask is less than 0 or greater than 255.
112        """
113        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= mask <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
114            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Mask value should be between 0 and 255.')
116    @property
117    def mask(self) -> int:
118        """:obj:`int`: Bits of configuration byte to modify.
120        Getter and setter.
121        """
122        return self._mask
124    @mask.setter
125    def mask(self, value: int):
126        self._validate_mask(mask=value)
127        self._mask = value
129    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
130        """Serialize TR configuration byte members into pdata.
132        Returns:
133            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized TR configuration byte pdata.
134        """
135        return [self._address, self._value, self._mask]
137    def to_json(self) -> dict:
138        """Serialize TR configuration byte members into JSON.
140        Returns:
141            :obj:`dict`: Serialized TR configuration byte JSON request data.
142        """
143        return {
144            'address': self._address,
145            'value': self._value,
146            'mask': self._mask
147        }

TR Configuration Byte class.

OsTrConfByte(address: int, value: int, mask: int)
13    def __init__(self, address: int, value: int, mask: int):
14        """TR Configuration Byte constructor.
16        Args:
17            address (int): Configuration memory block address.
18            value (int): Value to set.
19            mask (int): Bits of configuration byte to modify.
20        """
21        self._validate(address=address, value=value, mask=mask)
22        self._address = address
23        self._value = value
24        self._mask = mask

TR Configuration Byte constructor.

  • address (int): Configuration memory block address.
  • value (int): Value to set.
  • mask (int): Bits of configuration byte to modify.
address: int

int: Configuration memory block address.

Getter and setter.

value: int

int: Value to set.

Getter and setter.

mask: int

int: Bits of configuration byte to modify.

Getter and setter.

def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
129    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
130        """Serialize TR configuration byte members into pdata.
132        Returns:
133            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized TR configuration byte pdata.
134        """
135        return [self._address, self._value, self._mask]

Serialize TR configuration byte members into pdata.


list of int: Serialized TR configuration byte pdata.

def to_json(self) -> dict:
137    def to_json(self) -> dict:
138        """Serialize TR configuration byte members into JSON.
140        Returns:
141            :obj:`dict`: Serialized TR configuration byte JSON request data.
142        """
143        return {
144            'address': self._address,
145            'value': self._value,
146            'mask': self._mask
147        }

Serialize TR configuration byte members into JSON.


dict: Serialized TR configuration byte JSON request data.

class OsTrConfData:
 12class OsTrConfData:
 13    """OS TR Configuration data."""
 15    __slots__ = '_embedded_peripherals', '_custom_dpa_handler', '_dpa_peer_to_peer', '_routing_off', '_io_setup', \
 16        '_user_peer_to_peer', '_stay_awake_when_not_bonded', '_std_and_lp_network', '_rf_output_power', \
 17        '_rf_signal_filter', '_lp_rf_timeout', '_uart_baud_rate', '_alternative_dsm_channel', '_local_frc', \
 18        '_rf_channel_a', '_rf_channel_b', '_reserved_block_0', '_reserved_block_1', '_reserved_block_2'
 20    def __init__(self, embedded_peripherals: Optional[List[Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]]] = None,
 21                 custom_dpa_handler: bool = False, dpa_peer_to_peer: bool = False, routing_off: bool = False,
 22                 io_setup: bool = False, user_peer_to_peer: bool = False, stay_awake_when_not_bonded: bool = False,
 23                 std_and_lp_network: bool = False, rf_output_power: int = 7, rf_signal_filter: int = 5,
 24                 lp_rf_timeout: int = 6,
 25                 uart_baud_rate: Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int] = dpa_constants.BaudRates.B9600,
 26                 alternative_dsm_channel: int = 0, local_frc: bool = False, rf_channel_a: int = 52,
 27                 rf_channel_b: int = 2, reserved_block_0: Optional[List[int]] = None,
 28                 reserved_block_1: Optional[List[int]] = None, reserved_block_2: Optional[List[int]] = None):
 29        """TR Configuration data constructor.
 31        Args:
 32            embedded_peripherals (List[int]): Enabled embedded peripherals.
 33            custom_dpa_handler (bool): Custom DPA handler in use.
 34            dpa_peer_to_peer (bool): DPA peer-to-peer enabled.
 35            routing_off (bool): Node does not route packets in background.
 36            io_setup (bool): Run IO Setup early during module boot time.
 37            user_peer_to_peer (bool): Receive peer-to-peer packets and raise PeerToPeer event.
 38            stay_awake_when_not_bonded (bool): Stay awake during bonding process.
 39            std_and_lp_network (bool): Control STD+LP network.
 40            rf_output_power (int): RF output power.
 41            rf_signal_filter (int): RF signal filter.
 42            lp_rf_timeout (int): LP RF timeout.
 43            uart_baud_rate (Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int]): UART baud rate.
 44            alternative_dsm_channel (int): Alternative DSM channel.
 45            local_frc (bool): Local FRC reception enabled.
 46            rf_channel_a (int): RF Channel A.
 47            rf_channel_b (int): RF Channel B.
 48            reserved_block_0 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
 49            reserved_block_1 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
 50            reserved_block_2 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
 51        """
 52        if embedded_peripherals is None:
 53            embedded_peripherals = []
 54        if reserved_block_0 is None:
 55            reserved_block_0 = [0] * 2
 56        if reserved_block_1 is None:
 57            reserved_block_1 = [0] * 3
 58        if reserved_block_2 is None:
 59            reserved_block_2 = [0] * 13
 60        self._validate(embedded_peripherals=embedded_peripherals, rf_output_power=rf_output_power,
 61                       rf_signal_filter=rf_signal_filter, lp_rf_timeout=lp_rf_timeout, baud_rate=uart_baud_rate,
 62                       alternative_dsm=alternative_dsm_channel, rf_channel_a=rf_channel_a, rf_channel_b=rf_channel_b,
 63                       reserved_block_0=reserved_block_0, reserved_block_1=reserved_block_1,
 64                       reserved_block_2=reserved_block_2)
 65        self._embedded_peripherals = embedded_peripherals
 66        self._custom_dpa_handler = custom_dpa_handler
 67        self._dpa_peer_to_peer = dpa_peer_to_peer
 68        self._routing_off = routing_off
 69        self._io_setup = io_setup
 70        self._user_peer_to_peer = user_peer_to_peer
 71        self._stay_awake_when_not_bonded = stay_awake_when_not_bonded
 72        self._std_and_lp_network = std_and_lp_network
 73        self._rf_output_power = rf_output_power
 74        self._rf_signal_filter = rf_signal_filter
 75        self._lp_rf_timeout = lp_rf_timeout
 76        self._uart_baud_rate = uart_baud_rate
 77        self._alternative_dsm_channel = alternative_dsm_channel
 78        self._local_frc = local_frc
 79        self._rf_channel_a = rf_channel_a
 80        self._rf_channel_b = rf_channel_b
 81        self._reserved_block_0 = reserved_block_0
 82        self._reserved_block_1 = reserved_block_1
 83        self._reserved_block_2 = reserved_block_2
 85    def __eq__(self, other: 'OsTrConfData'):
 86        """Rich comparison method, comparing this and another object to determine equality based on properties.
 88        Args:
 89            other (OsTrConfData): Object to compare with.
 91        Returns:
 92            bool: True if the objects are equivalent, False otherwise.
 93        """
 94        return self._embedded_peripherals == other._embedded_peripherals and \
 95            self._custom_dpa_handler == other._custom_dpa_handler and \
 96            self._dpa_peer_to_peer == other._dpa_peer_to_peer and \
 97            self._routing_off == other.routing_off and \
 98            self._io_setup == other._io_setup and \
 99            self._user_peer_to_peer == other._user_peer_to_peer and \
100            self._stay_awake_when_not_bonded == other._stay_awake_when_not_bonded and \
101            self._std_and_lp_network == other._std_and_lp_network and \
102            self._rf_output_power == other._rf_output_power and \
103            self._rf_signal_filter == other._rf_signal_filter and \
104            self._lp_rf_timeout == other._lp_rf_timeout and \
105            self._uart_baud_rate == other._uart_baud_rate and \
106            self._alternative_dsm_channel == other._alternative_dsm_channel and \
107            self._local_frc == other._local_frc and \
108            self._rf_channel_a == other._rf_channel_a and \
109            self._rf_channel_b == other._rf_channel_b and \
110            self._reserved_block_0 == other._reserved_block_0 and \
111            self._reserved_block_1 == other._reserved_block_1 and \
112            self._reserved_block_2 == other._reserved_block_2
114    def _validate(self, embedded_peripherals: List[int], rf_output_power: int, rf_signal_filter: int,
115                  lp_rf_timeout: int, baud_rate: Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int], alternative_dsm: int,
116                  rf_channel_a: int, rf_channel_b: int, reserved_block_0: List[int],
117                  reserved_block_1: List[int], reserved_block_2: List[int]):
118        self._validate_embedded_peripherals(embedded_peripherals)
119        self._validate_rf_output_power(rf_output_power)
120        self._validate_rf_signal_filter(rf_signal_filter)
121        self._validate_lp_rf_timeout(lp_rf_timeout)
122        self._validate_uart_baud_rate(baud_rate)
123        self._validate_alternative_dsm_channel(alternative_dsm)
124        self._validate_rf_channel_a(rf_channel_a)
125        self._validate_rf_channel_b(rf_channel_b)
126        self._validate_reserved_block_0(reserved_block_0)
127        self._validate_reserved_block_1(reserved_block_1)
128        self._validate_reserved_block_2(reserved_block_2)
130    @staticmethod
131    def _validate_embedded_peripherals(embedded_peripherals: List[Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]]) -> None:
132        if len(embedded_peripherals) > 32:
133            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Embedded peripherals should be at most 32 values.')
134        if min(embedded_peripherals, default=0) < 0 or max(embedded_peripherals, default=0) > 31:
135            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Embedded peripherals values should be between 0 and 31.')
137    @property
138    def embedded_peripherals(self) -> List[Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]]:
139        """:obj:`list` of :obj:`EmbedPeripherals` or :obj:`int`: Enabled embedded peripherals.
141        Getter and setter.
142        """
143        return self._embedded_peripherals
145    @embedded_peripherals.setter
146    def embedded_peripherals(self, value: List[Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]]):
147        self._validate_embedded_peripherals(embedded_peripherals=value)
148        self._embedded_peripherals = value
150    def enable_embedded_peripheral(self, peripheral: Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> None:
151        """Enables embedded peripheral.
153        Args:
154            peripheral (:obj:`EmbeddedPeripherals` or :obj:`int`): Embedded peripheral.
156        Raises:
157            ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
158        """
159        if not (0 <= peripheral <= 31):
160            raise ValueError('Peripheral value should be between 0 and 31')
161        if peripheral not in self._embedded_peripherals:
162            self._embedded_peripherals.append(peripheral)
164    def disable_embedded_peripheral(self, peripheral: Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> None:
165        """Disables embedded peripheral.
167        Args:
168            peripheral (:obj:`EmbeddedPeripherals` or :obj:`int`): Embedded peripheral.
170        Raises:
171            ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
172        """
173        if not (0 <= peripheral <= 31):
174            raise ValueError('Peripheral value should be between 0 and 31')
175        if peripheral in self._embedded_peripherals:
176            self._embedded_peripherals.remove(peripheral)
178    def get_embedded_peripheral_byte(self, peripheral: Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> OsTrConfByte:
179        """Returns embedded peripheral configuration byte.
181        Args:
182            peripheral (:obj:`EmbeddedPeripherals` or :obj:`int`): Embedded peripheral.
184        Raises:
185            ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
187        Returns:
188            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Embedded peripheral configuration byte.
189        """
190        if not (0 <= peripheral <= 31):
191            raise ValueError('Peripheral value should be between 0 and 31')
192        if 0 <= peripheral <= 7:
193            address = 1
194        elif 8 <= peripheral <= 15:
195            address = 2
196        elif 16 <= peripheral <= 23:
197            address = 3
198        else:
199            address = 4
200        value = 1 << (peripheral % 8) if peripheral in self._embedded_peripherals else 0
201        return OsTrConfByte(
202            address=address,
203            value=value,
204            mask=value
205        )
207    @property
208    def custom_dpa_handler(self) -> bool:
209        """:obj:`bool`: Custom DPA handler in use.
211        Getter and setter.
212        """
213        return self._custom_dpa_handler
215    @custom_dpa_handler.setter
216    def custom_dpa_handler(self, value: bool):
217        self._custom_dpa_handler = value
219    def get_custom_dpa_handler_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
220        """Returns custom DPA handler configuration byte.
222        Returns:
223            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Custom DPA handler configuration byte.
224        """
225        return OsTrConfByte(
226            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
227            value=1 if self._custom_dpa_handler else 0,
228            mask=TrConfBitMasks.CUSTOM_DPA_HANDLER
229        )
231    @property
232    def dpa_peer_to_peer(self) -> bool:
233        """:obj:`bool`: DPA peer-to-peer enabled.
235        Getter and setter.
236        """
237        return self._dpa_peer_to_peer
239    @dpa_peer_to_peer.setter
240    def dpa_peer_to_peer(self, value: bool):
241        self._dpa_peer_to_peer = value
243    def get_dpa_peer_to_peer_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
244        """Return DPA peer-to-peer configuration byte.
246        Returns:
247            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: DPA peer-to-peer configuration byte.
248        """
249        return OsTrConfByte(
250            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
251            value=2 if self._dpa_peer_to_peer else 0,
252            mask=TrConfBitMasks.DPA_PEER_TO_PEER
253        )
255    @property
256    def routing_off(self) -> bool:
257        """:obj:`bool`: Node does not route packets in background.
259        Getter and setter.
260        """
261        return self._routing_off
263    @routing_off.setter
264    def routing_off(self, value: bool):
265        self._routing_off = value
267    def get_routing_off_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
268        """Returns routing off configuration byte.
270        Returns:
271            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Routing off configuration byte.
272        """
273        return OsTrConfByte(
274            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
275            value=8 if self._routing_off else 0,
276            mask=TrConfBitMasks.ROUTING_OFF
277        )
279    @property
280    def io_setup(self) -> bool:
281        """:obj:`bool`: Run IO Setup early during module boot time.
283        Getter and setter.
284        """
285        return self._io_setup
287    @io_setup.setter
288    def io_setup(self, value: bool):
289        self._io_setup = value
291    def get_io_setup_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
292        """Returns IO setup configuration byte.
294        Returns:
295            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: IO setup configuration byte.
296        """
297        return OsTrConfByte(
298            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
299            value=16 if self._io_setup else 0,
300            mask=TrConfBitMasks.IO_SETUP
301        )
303    @property
304    def user_peer_to_peer(self) -> bool:
305        """:obj:`bool`: Receive peer-to-peer packets and raise PeerToPeer event.
307        Getter and setter.
308        """
309        return self._user_peer_to_peer
311    @user_peer_to_peer.setter
312    def user_peer_to_peer(self, value: bool):
313        self._user_peer_to_peer = value
315    def get_user_peer_to_peer_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
316        """Returns user peer-to-peer configuration byte.
318        Returns:
319            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: User peer-to-peer configuration byte.
320        """
321        return OsTrConfByte(
322            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
323            value=32 if self._user_peer_to_peer else 0,
324            mask=TrConfBitMasks.USER_PEER_TO_PEER,
325        )
327    @property
328    def stay_awake_when_not_bonded(self) -> bool:
329        """:obj:`bool`: Stay awake during bonding process.
331        Getter and setter.
332        """
333        return self._stay_awake_when_not_bonded
335    @stay_awake_when_not_bonded.setter
336    def stay_awake_when_not_bonded(self, value: bool):
337        self._stay_awake_when_not_bonded = value
339    def get_stay_awake_when_not_bonded_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
340        """Returns stay awake when not bonded configuration byte.
342        Returns:
343            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Stay awake when not bonded configuration byte.
344        """
345        return OsTrConfByte(
346            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
347            value=64 if self._stay_awake_when_not_bonded else 0,
348            mask=TrConfBitMasks.STAY_AWAKE_WHEN_NOT_BONDED,
349        )
351    @property
352    def std_and_lp_network(self) -> bool:
353        """:obj:`bool`: Control STD+LP network.
355        Getter and setter.
356        """
357        return self._std_and_lp_network
359    @std_and_lp_network.setter
360    def std_and_lp_network(self, value: bool):
361        self._std_and_lp_network = value
363    def get_std_and_lp_network_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
364        """Returns STD and LP network configuration byte.
366        Returns:
367            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: STD and LP network configuration byte.
368        """
369        return OsTrConfByte(
370            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
371            value=128 if self._std_and_lp_network else 0,
372            mask=TrConfBitMasks.STD_AND_LP_NETWORK
373        )
375    @staticmethod
376    def _validate_rf_output_power(rf_output_power: int) -> None:
377        """Validate rf output power parameter.
379        Args:
380            rf_output_power (int): RF output power.
382        Raises:
383            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If rf_output_power is less than 0 or greater than 255.
384        """
385        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= rf_output_power <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
386            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('RF output power value should be between 0 and 255.')
388    @property
389    def rf_output_power(self) -> int:
390        """:obj:`int`: RF output power.
392        Getter and setter.
393        """
394        return self._rf_output_power
396    @rf_output_power.setter
397    def rf_output_power(self, value: int):
398        self._validate_rf_output_power(rf_output_power=value)
399        self._rf_output_power = value
401    def get_rf_output_power_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
402        """Returns RF output power configuration byte.
404        Returns:
405            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF output power configuration byte.
406        """
407        return OsTrConfByte(
408            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_OUTPUT_POWER,
409            value=self._rf_output_power,
410            mask=0xFF
411        )
413    @staticmethod
414    def _validate_rf_signal_filter(rf_signal_filter: int) -> None:
415        """Validate rf signal filter parameter.
417        Args:
418            rf_signal_filter (int): RF signal filter.
420        Raises:
421            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If rf_signal_filter is less than 0 or greater than 255.
422        """
423        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= rf_signal_filter <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
424            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('RF signal filter value should be between 0 and 255.')
426    @property
427    def rf_signal_filter(self) -> int:
428        """:obj:`int`: RF signal filter.
430        Getter and setter.
431        """
432        return self._rf_signal_filter
434    @rf_signal_filter.setter
435    def rf_signal_filter(self, value: int):
436        self._validate_rf_signal_filter(rf_signal_filter=value)
437        self._rf_signal_filter = value
439    def get_rf_signal_filter_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
440        """Returns RF signal filter configuration byte.
442        Returns:
443            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF signal filter configuration byte.
444        """
445        return OsTrConfByte(
446            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_SIGNAL_FILTER,
447            value=self._rf_signal_filter,
448            mask=0xFF
449        )
451    @staticmethod
452    def _validate_lp_rf_timeout(lp_rf_timeout: int) -> None:
453        """Validate lp rf timeout parameter.
455        Args:
456            lp_rf_timeout (int): LP RF timeout.
458        Raises:
459            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If lp_rf_timeout is less than 0 or greater than 255.
460        """
461        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= lp_rf_timeout <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
462            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('LP RF timeout value should be between 0 and 255.')
464    @property
465    def lp_rf_timeout(self) -> int:
466        """:obj:`int`: LP RF timeout.
468        Getter and setter.
469        """
470        return self._lp_rf_timeout
472    @lp_rf_timeout.setter
473    def lp_rf_timeout(self, value: int):
474        self._validate_lp_rf_timeout(lp_rf_timeout=value)
475        self._lp_rf_timeout = value
477    def get_lp_rf_timeout_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
478        """Returns LP RF timeout configuration byte.
480        Returns:
481            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: LP RF timeout configuration byte.
482        """
483        return OsTrConfByte(
484            address=TrConfByteAddrs.LP_RF_TIMEOUT,
485            value=self._lp_rf_timeout,
486            mask=0xFF
487        )
489    @staticmethod
490    def _validate_uart_baud_rate(uart_baud_rate: Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int]) -> None:
491        """Validate uart baud rate parameter.
493        Args:
494            uart_baud_rate (Union[BaudRates, int]): UART Baud rate.
496        Raises:
497            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If uart_baud_rate is less than 0 or greater than 255.
498        """
499        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= uart_baud_rate <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
500            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('UART baud rate value should be between 0 and 255.')
502    @property
503    def uart_baud_rate(self) -> Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int]:
504        """:obj:`BaudRates` or :obj:`int`: UART baud rate.
506        Getter and setter.
507        """
508        return self._uart_baud_rate
510    @uart_baud_rate.setter
511    def uart_baud_rate(self, value: Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int]):
512        self._validate_uart_baud_rate(uart_baud_rate=value)
513        self._uart_baud_rate = value
515    def get_uart_baud_rate_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
516        """Returns UART baud rate configuration byte.
518        Returns:
519            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: UART baud rate configuration byte.
520        """
521        return OsTrConfByte(
522            address=TrConfByteAddrs.UART_BAUD_RATE,
523            value=self._uart_baud_rate,
524            mask=0xFF
525        )
527    @staticmethod
528    def _validate_alternative_dsm_channel(alternative_dsm_channels: int) -> None:
529        """Validate alternative dsm channel parameters.
531        Args:
532            alternative_dsm_channels (int): Alternative DSM channel.
534        Raises:
535            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If alternative_dsm_channels is less than 0 or greater than 255.
536        """
537        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= alternative_dsm_channels <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
538            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Alternative DMS channel value should be between 0 and 255.')
540    @property
541    def alternative_dsm_channel(self) -> int:
542        """:obj:`int`: Alternative DSM channel.
544        Getter and setter.
545        """
546        return self._alternative_dsm_channel
548    @alternative_dsm_channel.setter
549    def alternative_dsm_channel(self, value: int):
550        self._validate_alternative_dsm_channel(alternative_dsm_channels=value)
551        self._alternative_dsm_channel = value
553    def get_alternative_dsm_channel_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
554        """Returns alternative DSM channel configuration byte.
556        Returns:
557            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Alternative DSM channel configuration byte.
558        """
559        return OsTrConfByte(
560            address=TrConfByteAddrs.ALTERNATIVE_DSM_CHANNEL,
561            value=self._alternative_dsm_channel,
562            mask=0xFF
563        )
565    @property
566    def local_frc(self) -> bool:
567        """:obj:`bool`: Local FRC reception enabled.
569        Getter and setter.
570        """
571        return self._local_frc
573    @local_frc.setter
574    def local_frc(self, value: bool):
575        self._local_frc = value
577    def get_local_frc_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
578        """Returns local FRC configuration byte.
580        Returns:
581            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Local FRC configuration byte.
582        """
583        return OsTrConfByte(
584            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_1,
585            value=1 if self._local_frc else 0,
586            mask=TrConfBitMasks.LOCAL_FRC
587        )
589    @staticmethod
590    def _validate_rf_channel_a(rf_channel_a: int) -> None:
591        """Validate RF Channel A Parameter.
593        Args:
594            rf_channel_a (int): RF Channel A.
596        Raises:
597            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If rf_channel_a is less than 0 or greater than 255.
598        """
599        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= rf_channel_a <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
600            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('RF channel A value should be between 0 and 255.')
602    @property
603    def rf_channel_a(self) -> int:
604        """:obj:`int`: RF Channel A.
606        Getter and setter.
607        """
608        return self._rf_channel_a
610    @rf_channel_a.setter
611    def rf_channel_a(self, value: int):
612        self._validate_rf_channel_a(rf_channel_a=value)
613        self._rf_channel_a = value
615    def get_rf_channel_a_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
616        """Returns RF channel A configuration byte.
618        Returns:
619            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF channel A configuration byte.
620        """
621        return OsTrConfByte(
622            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_CHANNEL_A,
623            value=self._rf_channel_a,
624            mask=0xFF
625        )
627    @staticmethod
628    def _validate_rf_channel_b(rf_channel_b: int) -> None:
629        """Validate RF Channel B Parameter.
631        Args:
632            rf_channel_b (int): RF Channel B.
634        Raises:
635            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If rf_channel_b is less than 0 or greater than 255.
636        """
637        if not dpa_constants.BYTE_MIN <= rf_channel_b <= dpa_constants.BYTE_MAX:
638            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('RF channel B value should be between 0 and 255.')
640    @property
641    def rf_channel_b(self) -> int:
642        """:obj:`int`: RF Channel B.
644        Getter and setter.
645        """
646        return self._rf_channel_b
648    @rf_channel_b.setter
649    def rf_channel_b(self, value: int):
650        self._validate_rf_channel_b(rf_channel_b=value)
651        self._rf_channel_b = value
653    def get_rf_channel_b_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
654        """Returns RF channel B configuration byte.
656        Returns:
657            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF channel B configuration byte.
658        """
659        return OsTrConfByte(
660            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_CHANNEL_B,
661            value=self._rf_channel_b,
662            mask=0xFF
663        )
665    @staticmethod
666    def _validate_reserved_block_0(data: List[int]) -> None:
667        """Validate undocumented data bytes.
669        Args:
670            data (List[int]): Reserved data bytes.
672        Raises:
673            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If data does not contain 2 values or if values are not
674            in range from 0 to 255.
675        """
676        if len(data) != 2:
677            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Reserved block 0 should be 2B long.')
678        if not Common.values_in_byte_range(data):
679            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Reserved block 0 values should be between 0 and 255.')
681    @staticmethod
682    def _validate_reserved_block_1(data: List[int]) -> None:
683        """Validate undocumented data bytes.
685        Args:
686            data (List[int]): Reserved data bytes.
688        Raises:
689            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If data does not contain 3 values or if values are not
690            in range from 0 to 255.
691        """
692        if len(data) != 3:
693            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Reserved block 1 should be 3B long.')
694        if not Common.values_in_byte_range(data):
695            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Reserved block 1 values should be between 0 and 255.')
697    @staticmethod
698    def _validate_reserved_block_2(data: List[int]) -> None:
699        """Validate undocumented data bytes.
701        Args:
702            data (List[int]): Reserved data bytes.
704        Raises:
705            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If data does not contain 13 values or if values are not
706            in range from 0 to 255.
707        """
708        if len(data) != 13:
709            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Reserved block 2 should be 13B long.')
710        if not Common.values_in_byte_range(data):
711            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Reserved block 2 values should be between 0 and 255.')
713    @classmethod
714    def from_pdata(cls, data: Union[List[int], bytearray]) -> 'OsTrConfData':
715        """Deserialize DPA response pdata into OS TR Configuration data object.
717        Returns:
718            :obj:`OsTrConfData`: Deserialized OS TR Configuration data object.
719        """
720        if isinstance(data, bytearray):
721            data = list(data)
722        embed_pers_data = data[0:4]
723        embedded_pers = []
724        for i in range(0, len(embed_pers_data * 8)):
725            if embed_pers_data[int(i / 8)] & (1 << (i % 8)):
726                if i in EmbedPeripherals:
727                    embedded_pers.append(EmbedPeripherals(i))
728                else:
729                    embedded_pers.append(i)
730        embedded_peripherals = embedded_pers
731        custom_dpa_handler = bool(data[4] & 1)
732        dpa_peer_to_peer = bool(data[4] & 2)
733        routing_off = bool(data[4] & 8)
734        io_setup = bool(data[4] & 16)
735        user_peer_to_peer = bool(data[4] & 32)
736        stay_awake_when_not_bonded = bool(data[4] & 64)
737        std_and_lp_network = bool(data[4] & 128)
738        rf_output_power = data[7]
739        rf_signal_filter = data[8]
740        lp_rf_timeout = data[9]
741        uart_baud_rate = data[10]
742        alternative_dsm_channel = data[11]
743        local_frc = bool(data[12] & 1)
744        rf_channel_a = data[16]
745        rf_channel_b = data[17]
746        reserved_block_0 = data[5:7]
747        reserved_block_1 = data[13:16]
748        reserved_block_2 = data[18:]
749        return cls(embedded_peripherals=embedded_peripherals, custom_dpa_handler=custom_dpa_handler,
750                   dpa_peer_to_peer=dpa_peer_to_peer, routing_off=routing_off, io_setup=io_setup,
751                   user_peer_to_peer=user_peer_to_peer, stay_awake_when_not_bonded=stay_awake_when_not_bonded,
752                   std_and_lp_network=std_and_lp_network, rf_output_power=rf_output_power,
753                   rf_signal_filter=rf_signal_filter, lp_rf_timeout=lp_rf_timeout,
754                   uart_baud_rate=uart_baud_rate, alternative_dsm_channel=alternative_dsm_channel,
755                   local_frc=local_frc, rf_channel_a=rf_channel_a, rf_channel_b=rf_channel_b,
756                   reserved_block_0=reserved_block_0, reserved_block_1=reserved_block_1,
757                   reserved_block_2=reserved_block_2)
759    def to_pdata(self, to_bytes: bool = False) -> Union[List[int], bytearray]:
760        """Serialize OS TR Configuration data object to DPA request pdata.
762        Args:
763            to_bytes (bool): Serialize into bytes.
765        Returns:
766            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized OS TR Configuration data.\n
767            :obj:`bytearray`: Serialize OS TR Configuration data bytes if to_bytes is True.
768        """
769        embed_pers = Common.peripheral_list_to_bitmap(self.embedded_peripherals)
770        conf_bits_0 = int(self.custom_dpa_handler) | int(self.dpa_peer_to_peer) << 1 | int(self.routing_off) << 3 | \
771            int(self.io_setup) << 4 | int(self.user_peer_to_peer) << 5 | \
772            int(self.stay_awake_when_not_bonded) << 6 | int(self.std_and_lp_network) << 7
773        pdata = embed_pers + [conf_bits_0] + self._reserved_block_0 + \
774            [
775                self.rf_output_power,
776                self.rf_signal_filter,
777                self.lp_rf_timeout,
778                self.uart_baud_rate,
779                self.alternative_dsm_channel,
780                int(self.local_frc)
781            ] + self._reserved_block_1 + \
782            [
783                self.rf_channel_a,
784                self.rf_channel_b
785            ] + self._reserved_block_2
786        if to_bytes:
787            return bytearray(pdata)
788        return pdata
790    @staticmethod
791    def calculate_checksum(data: List[int]) -> int:
792        """Calculates checksum from TR configuration data.
794        Args:
795            data (List[int]): List of integers representing TR configuration data.
797        Returns:
798            int: Checksum value.
799        """
800        checksum = 0x5F
801        for val in data:
802            checksum ^= val
803        return checksum

OS TR Configuration data.

OsTrConfData( embedded_peripherals: Optional[List[Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.EmbedPeripherals, int]]] = None, custom_dpa_handler: bool = False, dpa_peer_to_peer: bool = False, routing_off: bool = False, io_setup: bool = False, user_peer_to_peer: bool = False, stay_awake_when_not_bonded: bool = False, std_and_lp_network: bool = False, rf_output_power: int = 7, rf_signal_filter: int = 5, lp_rf_timeout: int = 6, uart_baud_rate: Union[iqrfpy.utils.dpa.BaudRates, int] = <BaudRates.B9600: 3>, alternative_dsm_channel: int = 0, local_frc: bool = False, rf_channel_a: int = 52, rf_channel_b: int = 2, reserved_block_0: Optional[List[int]] = None, reserved_block_1: Optional[List[int]] = None, reserved_block_2: Optional[List[int]] = None)
20    def __init__(self, embedded_peripherals: Optional[List[Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]]] = None,
21                 custom_dpa_handler: bool = False, dpa_peer_to_peer: bool = False, routing_off: bool = False,
22                 io_setup: bool = False, user_peer_to_peer: bool = False, stay_awake_when_not_bonded: bool = False,
23                 std_and_lp_network: bool = False, rf_output_power: int = 7, rf_signal_filter: int = 5,
24                 lp_rf_timeout: int = 6,
25                 uart_baud_rate: Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int] = dpa_constants.BaudRates.B9600,
26                 alternative_dsm_channel: int = 0, local_frc: bool = False, rf_channel_a: int = 52,
27                 rf_channel_b: int = 2, reserved_block_0: Optional[List[int]] = None,
28                 reserved_block_1: Optional[List[int]] = None, reserved_block_2: Optional[List[int]] = None):
29        """TR Configuration data constructor.
31        Args:
32            embedded_peripherals (List[int]): Enabled embedded peripherals.
33            custom_dpa_handler (bool): Custom DPA handler in use.
34            dpa_peer_to_peer (bool): DPA peer-to-peer enabled.
35            routing_off (bool): Node does not route packets in background.
36            io_setup (bool): Run IO Setup early during module boot time.
37            user_peer_to_peer (bool): Receive peer-to-peer packets and raise PeerToPeer event.
38            stay_awake_when_not_bonded (bool): Stay awake during bonding process.
39            std_and_lp_network (bool): Control STD+LP network.
40            rf_output_power (int): RF output power.
41            rf_signal_filter (int): RF signal filter.
42            lp_rf_timeout (int): LP RF timeout.
43            uart_baud_rate (Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int]): UART baud rate.
44            alternative_dsm_channel (int): Alternative DSM channel.
45            local_frc (bool): Local FRC reception enabled.
46            rf_channel_a (int): RF Channel A.
47            rf_channel_b (int): RF Channel B.
48            reserved_block_0 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
49            reserved_block_1 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
50            reserved_block_2 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
51        """
52        if embedded_peripherals is None:
53            embedded_peripherals = []
54        if reserved_block_0 is None:
55            reserved_block_0 = [0] * 2
56        if reserved_block_1 is None:
57            reserved_block_1 = [0] * 3
58        if reserved_block_2 is None:
59            reserved_block_2 = [0] * 13
60        self._validate(embedded_peripherals=embedded_peripherals, rf_output_power=rf_output_power,
61                       rf_signal_filter=rf_signal_filter, lp_rf_timeout=lp_rf_timeout, baud_rate=uart_baud_rate,
62                       alternative_dsm=alternative_dsm_channel, rf_channel_a=rf_channel_a, rf_channel_b=rf_channel_b,
63                       reserved_block_0=reserved_block_0, reserved_block_1=reserved_block_1,
64                       reserved_block_2=reserved_block_2)
65        self._embedded_peripherals = embedded_peripherals
66        self._custom_dpa_handler = custom_dpa_handler
67        self._dpa_peer_to_peer = dpa_peer_to_peer
68        self._routing_off = routing_off
69        self._io_setup = io_setup
70        self._user_peer_to_peer = user_peer_to_peer
71        self._stay_awake_when_not_bonded = stay_awake_when_not_bonded
72        self._std_and_lp_network = std_and_lp_network
73        self._rf_output_power = rf_output_power
74        self._rf_signal_filter = rf_signal_filter
75        self._lp_rf_timeout = lp_rf_timeout
76        self._uart_baud_rate = uart_baud_rate
77        self._alternative_dsm_channel = alternative_dsm_channel
78        self._local_frc = local_frc
79        self._rf_channel_a = rf_channel_a
80        self._rf_channel_b = rf_channel_b
81        self._reserved_block_0 = reserved_block_0
82        self._reserved_block_1 = reserved_block_1
83        self._reserved_block_2 = reserved_block_2

TR Configuration data constructor.

  • embedded_peripherals (List[int]): Enabled embedded peripherals.
  • custom_dpa_handler (bool): Custom DPA handler in use.
  • dpa_peer_to_peer (bool): DPA peer-to-peer enabled.
  • routing_off (bool): Node does not route packets in background.
  • io_setup (bool): Run IO Setup early during module boot time.
  • user_peer_to_peer (bool): Receive peer-to-peer packets and raise PeerToPeer event.
  • stay_awake_when_not_bonded (bool): Stay awake during bonding process.
  • std_and_lp_network (bool): Control STD+LP network.
  • rf_output_power (int): RF output power.
  • rf_signal_filter (int): RF signal filter.
  • lp_rf_timeout (int): LP RF timeout.
  • uart_baud_rate (Union[dpa_constants.BaudRates, int]): UART baud rate.
  • alternative_dsm_channel (int): Alternative DSM channel.
  • local_frc (bool): Local FRC reception enabled.
  • rf_channel_a (int): RF Channel A.
  • rf_channel_b (int): RF Channel B.
  • reserved_block_0 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
  • reserved_block_1 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
  • reserved_block_2 (List[int], optional): Reserved data block.
embedded_peripherals: List[Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.EmbedPeripherals, int]]

list of EmbedPeripherals or int: Enabled embedded peripherals.

Getter and setter.

def enable_embedded_peripheral( self, peripheral: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> None:
150    def enable_embedded_peripheral(self, peripheral: Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> None:
151        """Enables embedded peripheral.
153        Args:
154            peripheral (:obj:`EmbeddedPeripherals` or :obj:`int`): Embedded peripheral.
156        Raises:
157            ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
158        """
159        if not (0 <= peripheral <= 31):
160            raise ValueError('Peripheral value should be between 0 and 31')
161        if peripheral not in self._embedded_peripherals:
162            self._embedded_peripherals.append(peripheral)

Enables embedded peripheral.

  • peripheral (EmbeddedPeripherals or int): Embedded peripheral.
  • ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
def disable_embedded_peripheral( self, peripheral: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> None:
164    def disable_embedded_peripheral(self, peripheral: Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> None:
165        """Disables embedded peripheral.
167        Args:
168            peripheral (:obj:`EmbeddedPeripherals` or :obj:`int`): Embedded peripheral.
170        Raises:
171            ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
172        """
173        if not (0 <= peripheral <= 31):
174            raise ValueError('Peripheral value should be between 0 and 31')
175        if peripheral in self._embedded_peripherals:
176            self._embedded_peripherals.remove(peripheral)

Disables embedded peripheral.

  • peripheral (EmbeddedPeripherals or int): Embedded peripheral.
  • ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
def get_embedded_peripheral_byte( self, peripheral: Union[iqrfpy.enums.peripherals.EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> OsTrConfByte:
178    def get_embedded_peripheral_byte(self, peripheral: Union[EmbedPeripherals, int]) -> OsTrConfByte:
179        """Returns embedded peripheral configuration byte.
181        Args:
182            peripheral (:obj:`EmbeddedPeripherals` or :obj:`int`): Embedded peripheral.
184        Raises:
185            ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.
187        Returns:
188            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Embedded peripheral configuration byte.
189        """
190        if not (0 <= peripheral <= 31):
191            raise ValueError('Peripheral value should be between 0 and 31')
192        if 0 <= peripheral <= 7:
193            address = 1
194        elif 8 <= peripheral <= 15:
195            address = 2
196        elif 16 <= peripheral <= 23:
197            address = 3
198        else:
199            address = 4
200        value = 1 << (peripheral % 8) if peripheral in self._embedded_peripherals else 0
201        return OsTrConfByte(
202            address=address,
203            value=value,
204            mask=value
205        )

Returns embedded peripheral configuration byte.

  • peripheral (EmbeddedPeripherals or int): Embedded peripheral.
  • ValueError: If peripheral value is less than 0 or greater than 31.

OsTrConfByte: Embedded peripheral configuration byte.

custom_dpa_handler: bool

bool: Custom DPA handler in use.

Getter and setter.

def get_custom_dpa_handler_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
219    def get_custom_dpa_handler_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
220        """Returns custom DPA handler configuration byte.
222        Returns:
223            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Custom DPA handler configuration byte.
224        """
225        return OsTrConfByte(
226            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
227            value=1 if self._custom_dpa_handler else 0,
228            mask=TrConfBitMasks.CUSTOM_DPA_HANDLER
229        )

Returns custom DPA handler configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: Custom DPA handler configuration byte.

dpa_peer_to_peer: bool

bool: DPA peer-to-peer enabled.

Getter and setter.

def get_dpa_peer_to_peer_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
243    def get_dpa_peer_to_peer_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
244        """Return DPA peer-to-peer configuration byte.
246        Returns:
247            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: DPA peer-to-peer configuration byte.
248        """
249        return OsTrConfByte(
250            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
251            value=2 if self._dpa_peer_to_peer else 0,
252            mask=TrConfBitMasks.DPA_PEER_TO_PEER
253        )

Return DPA peer-to-peer configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: DPA peer-to-peer configuration byte.

routing_off: bool

bool: Node does not route packets in background.

Getter and setter.

def get_routing_off_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
267    def get_routing_off_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
268        """Returns routing off configuration byte.
270        Returns:
271            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Routing off configuration byte.
272        """
273        return OsTrConfByte(
274            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
275            value=8 if self._routing_off else 0,
276            mask=TrConfBitMasks.ROUTING_OFF
277        )

Returns routing off configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: Routing off configuration byte.

io_setup: bool

bool: Run IO Setup early during module boot time.

Getter and setter.

def get_io_setup_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
291    def get_io_setup_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
292        """Returns IO setup configuration byte.
294        Returns:
295            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: IO setup configuration byte.
296        """
297        return OsTrConfByte(
298            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
299            value=16 if self._io_setup else 0,
300            mask=TrConfBitMasks.IO_SETUP
301        )

Returns IO setup configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: IO setup configuration byte.

user_peer_to_peer: bool

bool: Receive peer-to-peer packets and raise PeerToPeer event.

Getter and setter.

def get_user_peer_to_peer_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
315    def get_user_peer_to_peer_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
316        """Returns user peer-to-peer configuration byte.
318        Returns:
319            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: User peer-to-peer configuration byte.
320        """
321        return OsTrConfByte(
322            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
323            value=32 if self._user_peer_to_peer else 0,
324            mask=TrConfBitMasks.USER_PEER_TO_PEER,
325        )

Returns user peer-to-peer configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: User peer-to-peer configuration byte.

stay_awake_when_not_bonded: bool

bool: Stay awake during bonding process.

Getter and setter.

def get_stay_awake_when_not_bonded_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
339    def get_stay_awake_when_not_bonded_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
340        """Returns stay awake when not bonded configuration byte.
342        Returns:
343            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Stay awake when not bonded configuration byte.
344        """
345        return OsTrConfByte(
346            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
347            value=64 if self._stay_awake_when_not_bonded else 0,
348            mask=TrConfBitMasks.STAY_AWAKE_WHEN_NOT_BONDED,
349        )

Returns stay awake when not bonded configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: Stay awake when not bonded configuration byte.

std_and_lp_network: bool

bool: Control STD+LP network.

Getter and setter.

def get_std_and_lp_network_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
363    def get_std_and_lp_network_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
364        """Returns STD and LP network configuration byte.
366        Returns:
367            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: STD and LP network configuration byte.
368        """
369        return OsTrConfByte(
370            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_0,
371            value=128 if self._std_and_lp_network else 0,
372            mask=TrConfBitMasks.STD_AND_LP_NETWORK
373        )

Returns STD and LP network configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: STD and LP network configuration byte.

rf_output_power: int

int: RF output power.

Getter and setter.

def get_rf_output_power_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
401    def get_rf_output_power_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
402        """Returns RF output power configuration byte.
404        Returns:
405            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF output power configuration byte.
406        """
407        return OsTrConfByte(
408            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_OUTPUT_POWER,
409            value=self._rf_output_power,
410            mask=0xFF
411        )

Returns RF output power configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: RF output power configuration byte.

rf_signal_filter: int

int: RF signal filter.

Getter and setter.

def get_rf_signal_filter_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
439    def get_rf_signal_filter_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
440        """Returns RF signal filter configuration byte.
442        Returns:
443            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF signal filter configuration byte.
444        """
445        return OsTrConfByte(
446            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_SIGNAL_FILTER,
447            value=self._rf_signal_filter,
448            mask=0xFF
449        )

Returns RF signal filter configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: RF signal filter configuration byte.

lp_rf_timeout: int

int: LP RF timeout.

Getter and setter.

def get_lp_rf_timeout_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
477    def get_lp_rf_timeout_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
478        """Returns LP RF timeout configuration byte.
480        Returns:
481            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: LP RF timeout configuration byte.
482        """
483        return OsTrConfByte(
484            address=TrConfByteAddrs.LP_RF_TIMEOUT,
485            value=self._lp_rf_timeout,
486            mask=0xFF
487        )

Returns LP RF timeout configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: LP RF timeout configuration byte.

uart_baud_rate: Union[iqrfpy.utils.dpa.BaudRates, int]

BaudRates or int: UART baud rate.

Getter and setter.

def get_uart_baud_rate_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
515    def get_uart_baud_rate_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
516        """Returns UART baud rate configuration byte.
518        Returns:
519            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: UART baud rate configuration byte.
520        """
521        return OsTrConfByte(
522            address=TrConfByteAddrs.UART_BAUD_RATE,
523            value=self._uart_baud_rate,
524            mask=0xFF
525        )

Returns UART baud rate configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: UART baud rate configuration byte.

alternative_dsm_channel: int

int: Alternative DSM channel.

Getter and setter.

def get_alternative_dsm_channel_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
553    def get_alternative_dsm_channel_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
554        """Returns alternative DSM channel configuration byte.
556        Returns:
557            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Alternative DSM channel configuration byte.
558        """
559        return OsTrConfByte(
560            address=TrConfByteAddrs.ALTERNATIVE_DSM_CHANNEL,
561            value=self._alternative_dsm_channel,
562            mask=0xFF
563        )

Returns alternative DSM channel configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: Alternative DSM channel configuration byte.

local_frc: bool

bool: Local FRC reception enabled.

Getter and setter.

def get_local_frc_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
577    def get_local_frc_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
578        """Returns local FRC configuration byte.
580        Returns:
581            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: Local FRC configuration byte.
582        """
583        return OsTrConfByte(
584            address=TrConfByteAddrs.DPA_CONFIG_BITS_1,
585            value=1 if self._local_frc else 0,
586            mask=TrConfBitMasks.LOCAL_FRC
587        )

Returns local FRC configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: Local FRC configuration byte.

rf_channel_a: int

int: RF Channel A.

Getter and setter.

def get_rf_channel_a_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
615    def get_rf_channel_a_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
616        """Returns RF channel A configuration byte.
618        Returns:
619            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF channel A configuration byte.
620        """
621        return OsTrConfByte(
622            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_CHANNEL_A,
623            value=self._rf_channel_a,
624            mask=0xFF
625        )

Returns RF channel A configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: RF channel A configuration byte.

rf_channel_b: int

int: RF Channel B.

Getter and setter.

def get_rf_channel_b_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
653    def get_rf_channel_b_byte(self) -> OsTrConfByte:
654        """Returns RF channel B configuration byte.
656        Returns:
657            :obj:`OsTrConfByte`: RF channel B configuration byte.
658        """
659        return OsTrConfByte(
660            address=TrConfByteAddrs.RF_CHANNEL_B,
661            value=self._rf_channel_b,
662            mask=0xFF
663        )

Returns RF channel B configuration byte.


OsTrConfByte: RF channel B configuration byte.

def from_pdata( cls, data: Union[List[int], bytearray]) -> OsTrConfData:
713    @classmethod
714    def from_pdata(cls, data: Union[List[int], bytearray]) -> 'OsTrConfData':
715        """Deserialize DPA response pdata into OS TR Configuration data object.
717        Returns:
718            :obj:`OsTrConfData`: Deserialized OS TR Configuration data object.
719        """
720        if isinstance(data, bytearray):
721            data = list(data)
722        embed_pers_data = data[0:4]
723        embedded_pers = []
724        for i in range(0, len(embed_pers_data * 8)):
725            if embed_pers_data[int(i / 8)] & (1 << (i % 8)):
726                if i in EmbedPeripherals:
727                    embedded_pers.append(EmbedPeripherals(i))
728                else:
729                    embedded_pers.append(i)
730        embedded_peripherals = embedded_pers
731        custom_dpa_handler = bool(data[4] & 1)
732        dpa_peer_to_peer = bool(data[4] & 2)
733        routing_off = bool(data[4] & 8)
734        io_setup = bool(data[4] & 16)
735        user_peer_to_peer = bool(data[4] & 32)
736        stay_awake_when_not_bonded = bool(data[4] & 64)
737        std_and_lp_network = bool(data[4] & 128)
738        rf_output_power = data[7]
739        rf_signal_filter = data[8]
740        lp_rf_timeout = data[9]
741        uart_baud_rate = data[10]
742        alternative_dsm_channel = data[11]
743        local_frc = bool(data[12] & 1)
744        rf_channel_a = data[16]
745        rf_channel_b = data[17]
746        reserved_block_0 = data[5:7]
747        reserved_block_1 = data[13:16]
748        reserved_block_2 = data[18:]
749        return cls(embedded_peripherals=embedded_peripherals, custom_dpa_handler=custom_dpa_handler,
750                   dpa_peer_to_peer=dpa_peer_to_peer, routing_off=routing_off, io_setup=io_setup,
751                   user_peer_to_peer=user_peer_to_peer, stay_awake_when_not_bonded=stay_awake_when_not_bonded,
752                   std_and_lp_network=std_and_lp_network, rf_output_power=rf_output_power,
753                   rf_signal_filter=rf_signal_filter, lp_rf_timeout=lp_rf_timeout,
754                   uart_baud_rate=uart_baud_rate, alternative_dsm_channel=alternative_dsm_channel,
755                   local_frc=local_frc, rf_channel_a=rf_channel_a, rf_channel_b=rf_channel_b,
756                   reserved_block_0=reserved_block_0, reserved_block_1=reserved_block_1,
757                   reserved_block_2=reserved_block_2)

Deserialize DPA response pdata into OS TR Configuration data object.


OsTrConfData: Deserialized OS TR Configuration data object.

def to_pdata(self, to_bytes: bool = False) -> Union[List[int], bytearray]:
759    def to_pdata(self, to_bytes: bool = False) -> Union[List[int], bytearray]:
760        """Serialize OS TR Configuration data object to DPA request pdata.
762        Args:
763            to_bytes (bool): Serialize into bytes.
765        Returns:
766            :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Serialized OS TR Configuration data.\n
767            :obj:`bytearray`: Serialize OS TR Configuration data bytes if to_bytes is True.
768        """
769        embed_pers = Common.peripheral_list_to_bitmap(self.embedded_peripherals)
770        conf_bits_0 = int(self.custom_dpa_handler) | int(self.dpa_peer_to_peer) << 1 | int(self.routing_off) << 3 | \
771            int(self.io_setup) << 4 | int(self.user_peer_to_peer) << 5 | \
772            int(self.stay_awake_when_not_bonded) << 6 | int(self.std_and_lp_network) << 7
773        pdata = embed_pers + [conf_bits_0] + self._reserved_block_0 + \
774            [
775                self.rf_output_power,
776                self.rf_signal_filter,
777                self.lp_rf_timeout,
778                self.uart_baud_rate,
779                self.alternative_dsm_channel,
780                int(self.local_frc)
781            ] + self._reserved_block_1 + \
782            [
783                self.rf_channel_a,
784                self.rf_channel_b
785            ] + self._reserved_block_2
786        if to_bytes:
787            return bytearray(pdata)
788        return pdata

Serialize OS TR Configuration data object to DPA request pdata.

  • to_bytes (bool): Serialize into bytes.

list of int: Serialized OS TR Configuration data.

bytearray: Serialize OS TR Configuration data bytes if to_bytes is True.

def calculate_checksum(data: List[int]) -> int:
790    @staticmethod
791    def calculate_checksum(data: List[int]) -> int:
792        """Calculates checksum from TR configuration data.
794        Args:
795            data (List[int]): List of integers representing TR configuration data.
797        Returns:
798            int: Checksum value.
799        """
800        checksum = 0x5F
801        for val in data:
802            checksum ^= val
803        return checksum

Calculates checksum from TR configuration data.

  • data (List[int]): List of integers representing TR configuration data.

int: Checksum value.

class SensorWrittenData:
 9class SensorWrittenData:
10    """Sensor Written Data class."""
12    __slots__ = '_index', '_data'
14    def __init__(self, index: int, data: List[int]):
15        """Sensor Written Data constructor.
17        Args:
18            index (int): Sensor index.
19            data (List[int]): Data to write.
20        """
21        self._validate(index=index, data=data)
22        self._index = index
23        self._data = data
25    def _validate(self, index: int, data: List[int]):
26        """Validate parameters.
28        Args:
29            index (int): Sensor index.
30            data (List[int]): Data to write.
31        """
32        self._validate_index(index)
33        self._validate_data(data)
35    @staticmethod
36    def _validate_index(index: int):
37        """Validate sensor index parameter.
39        Args:
40            index (int): Sensor index.
42        Raises:
43            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If index is less than 0 or greater than 31.
44        """
45        if not dpa_constants.SENSOR_INDEX_MIN <= index <= dpa_constants.SENSOR_INDEX_MAX:
46            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Index value should be between 0 and 31.')
48    @property
49    def index(self) -> int:
50        """:obj:`int`: Sensor index.
52        Getter and setter.
53        """
54        return self._index
56    @index.setter
57    def index(self, value: int):
58        self._validate_index(value)
59        self._index = value
61    @staticmethod
62    def _validate_data(data: List[int]):
63        """Validate data to write.
65        Args:
66            data (List[int]): Data to write.
68        Raises:
69            RequestParameterInvalidValueError: If data contains values not in range from 0 to 255.
70        """
71        if not Common.values_in_byte_range(data):
72            raise RequestParameterInvalidValueError('Data values should be between 0 and 255.')
74    @property
75    def data(self) -> List[int]:
76        """:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Data to write.
78        Getter and setter.
79        """
80        return self._data
82    @data.setter
83    def data(self, value: List[int]):
84        self._validate_data(value)
85        self._data = value
87    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
88        """Serialize index and data to parameters.
90        Returns:
91            :obj:`list` of `int`: Serialized written data.
92        """
93        return [self.index] +

Sensor Written Data class.

SensorWrittenData(index: int, data: List[int])
14    def __init__(self, index: int, data: List[int]):
15        """Sensor Written Data constructor.
17        Args:
18            index (int): Sensor index.
19            data (List[int]): Data to write.
20        """
21        self._validate(index=index, data=data)
22        self._index = index
23        self._data = data

Sensor Written Data constructor.

  • index (int): Sensor index.
  • data (List[int]): Data to write.
index: int

int: Sensor index.

Getter and setter.

data: List[int]

list of int: Data to write.

Getter and setter.

def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
87    def to_pdata(self) -> List[int]:
88        """Serialize index and data to parameters.
90        Returns:
91            :obj:`list` of `int`: Serialized written data.
92        """
93        return [self.index] +

Serialize index and data to parameters.


list of int: Serialized written data.

class SensorData:
10class SensorData:
11    """Class representing Sensor (quantity) information and value."""
13    __slots__ = 'sensor_type', 'index', 'name', 'short_name', 'unit', 'decimal_places', 'frc_commands', 'value'
15    sensor_type: SensorTypes
16    index: int
17    name: str
18    short_name: str
19    unit: str
20    decimal_places: int
21    frc_commands: List[int]
22    value: Union[int, float, List[int], SensorFrcErrors, None]
24    def __init__(self, sensor_type: SensorTypes, index: int, name: str,
25                 short_name: str, unit: str, decimal_places: int, frc_commands: List[int],
26                 value: Union[int, float, List[int], SensorFrcErrors, None] = None):
27        """Class representing Sensor (quantity) information and value.
29        Args:
30            sensor_type (SensorTypes): Sensor type (represents a quantity).
31            index (int): Index of sensor.
32            name (str): Quantity name.
33            short_name (str): Short quantity name.
34            unit (str): Quantity unit.
35            decimal_places (int): Precision.
36            frc_commands (List[int]): Implemented FRC commands.
37            value (Union[int, float, List[int], SensorFrcErrors, None]): Measured value.
38        """
39        self.sensor_type = sensor_type
40        """Sensor type (represents a quantity)."""
41        self.index = index
42        """Index of sensor."""
43 = name
44        """Quantity name"""
45        self.short_name = short_name
46        """Short quantity name."""
47        self.unit = unit
48        """Quantity unit."""
49        self.decimal_places = decimal_places
50        """Precision."""
51        self.frc_commands = frc_commands
52        """Implemented FRC commands."""
53        self.value = value
54        """Measured value."""

Class representing Sensor (quantity) information and value.

SensorData( sensor_type: iqrfpy.utils.sensor_constants.SensorTypes, index: int, name: str, short_name: str, unit: str, decimal_places: int, frc_commands: List[int], value: Union[int, float, List[int], iqrfpy.utils.sensor_constants.SensorFrcErrors, NoneType] = None)
24    def __init__(self, sensor_type: SensorTypes, index: int, name: str,
25                 short_name: str, unit: str, decimal_places: int, frc_commands: List[int],
26                 value: Union[int, float, List[int], SensorFrcErrors, None] = None):
27        """Class representing Sensor (quantity) information and value.
29        Args:
30            sensor_type (SensorTypes): Sensor type (represents a quantity).
31            index (int): Index of sensor.
32            name (str): Quantity name.
33            short_name (str): Short quantity name.
34            unit (str): Quantity unit.
35            decimal_places (int): Precision.
36            frc_commands (List[int]): Implemented FRC commands.
37            value (Union[int, float, List[int], SensorFrcErrors, None]): Measured value.
38        """
39        self.sensor_type = sensor_type
40        """Sensor type (represents a quantity)."""
41        self.index = index
42        """Index of sensor."""
43 = name
44        """Quantity name"""
45        self.short_name = short_name
46        """Short quantity name."""
47        self.unit = unit
48        """Quantity unit."""
49        self.decimal_places = decimal_places
50        """Precision."""
51        self.frc_commands = frc_commands
52        """Implemented FRC commands."""
53        self.value = value
54        """Measured value."""

Class representing Sensor (quantity) information and value.

  • sensor_type (SensorTypes): Sensor type (represents a quantity).
  • index (int): Index of sensor.
  • name (str): Quantity name.
  • short_name (str): Short quantity name.
  • unit (str): Quantity unit.
  • decimal_places (int): Precision.
  • frc_commands (List[int]): Implemented FRC commands.
  • value (Union[int, float, List[int], SensorFrcErrors, None]): Measured value.

Sensor type (represents a quantity).

index: int

Index of sensor.

name: str

Quantity name

short_name: str

Short quantity name.

unit: str

Quantity unit.

decimal_places: int


frc_commands: List[int]

Implemented FRC commands.

value: Union[int, float, List[int], iqrfpy.utils.sensor_constants.SensorFrcErrors, NoneType]

Measured value.