

What is iqrfpy?

iqrfpy is a library that provides a python API for interacting with the IQRF network utilizing the DPA framework (DPA) or IQRF Gateway Daemon (Daemon) JSON API. Communication between a python runtime and the IQRF network is facilitated by transports.

For communication with Daemon, only the MQTT transport is implemented at this time. However, this library provides an abstract transport class, allowing for custom communication implementations.

The library provides classes for serialization of requests and deserialization of responses to message class objects.

Quick start

Before installing the library, it is recommended to first create a virtual environment. Virtual environments help isolate python installations as well as pip packages independent of the operating system.

A virtual environment can be created and launched using the following commands:

python3 -m venv <dir>
source <dir>/bin/activate

iqrfpy can be installed using the pip utility:

python3 -m pip install -U iqrfpy

Serialize requests to DPA:

from iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.addr_info import AddrInfoRequest

req = AddrInfoRequest()
req_packet = req.to_dpa()

Serialize requests to JSON:

from iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.requests.addr_info import AddrInfoRequest

req = AddrInfoRequest()
json_req = req.to_json()

Parse DPA responses:

from iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses import AddrInfoResponse
from iqrfpy.response_factory import ResponseFactory

def handle_addr_info_response(response: AddrInfoResponse) -> None:
    print(f'peripheral: {response.pnum}')
    print(f'peripheral command: {response.pcmd}')
    status = response.rcode
    if status == 0:
        print(f'Addr info response dev_nr: {response.dev_nr}')
        print(f'Addr info response did: {response.did}')

dpa_rsp_packet = b'\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x40\x0a\x2a'
dpa_rsp = ResponseFactory.get_response_from_dpa(dpa=dpa_rsp_packet)

Parse JSON responses:

from iqrfpy.peripherals.coordinator.responses import AddrInfoResponse
from iqrfpy.response_factory import ResponseFactory

def handle_addr_info_response(response: AddrInfoResponse) -> None:
    print(f'peripheral: {response.pnum}')
    print(f'peripheral command: {response.pcmd}')
    status = response.rcode
    if status == 0:
        print(f'Addr info response dev_nr: {response.dev_nr}')
        print(f'Addr info response did: {response.did}')

daemon_rsp_json = {
    "mType": "iqrfEmbedCoordinator_AddrInfo",
    "data": {
        "msgId": "testEmbedCoordinator",
        "rsp": {
            "nAdr": 0,
            "hwpId": 0,
            "rCode": 0,
            "dpaVal": 64,
            "result": {
                "devNr": 0,
                "did": 42
        "insId": "iqrfgd2-1",
        "status": 0
json_rsp = ResponseFactory.get_response_from_json(json=daemon_rsp_json)


For more information, check out our API reference.


Version: 0.2.8

Release date: 08.07.2024


  • SensorParser now rounds converted sensor data to quantity-specified number of decimal digits

Version: 0.2.7

Release date: 23.05.2024


  • Removed unused extra package metadata

Version: 0.2.6

Release date: 23.05.2024


  • Added support for Activity Concentration (ActivityConcentration) quantity

Version: 0.2.5

Release date: 18.04.2024


  • Updated support for diagnostics module renamed to iqd_diagnostics from diagnostics

Version: 0.2.4

Release date: 16.04.2024


  • Added support for iqrfpy-diagnostics auto-import

Version: 0.2.3

Release date: 15.04.2024


  • Added get_tr_series_str class methods to TrDTypes and TrGTypes
  • Renamed McuTypes class method get_mcu_code to get_mcu_code_str

Version: 0.2.2

Release date: 15.04.2024


  • Added missing imports for InitPhyData and TrMcuTypeData
  • Fixed tr_series parsing in TrMcuTypeData

Version: 0.2.1

Release date: 14.04.2024


  • Added InitPhyData data class
  • Replaced raw init_phy value of ReadTrConfResponse with InitPhyData, the raw value is now accessible as value member of InitPhyData
  • Added TrMcuTypeData data class
  • Renamed tr_type member of OsReadData to tr_mcu_type
  • Replaced raw tr_mcu_type value of OsReadData with TrMcuTypeData, the raw value is now accessible as value member of TrMcuTypeData
  • Added a new OsTrConfData static method calculate_checksum to calculate checksum from TR configuration data
  • Utility class Common method list_to_hex_string now accepts parameters separator and uppercase
  • Added new utility class Common methods bcd_to_decimal, dpa_build_date_to_str, dpa_version_to_str and fletcher_checksum
  • Added new DPA utility enum classes McuTypes, TrDTypes, TrGTypes and RfBands
  • Added a new ResponseCodes class method is_ok_response
  • Fixed ResponseCodes method to_string to correctly return string representation of DPA confirmation status code
  • Added a metaclass for enums for use of the in operator, removed the has_value method
  • Added missing docstrings

Version: 0.2.0

Release date: 02.04.2024


  • Added peripheral submodules level imports for request, response and data classes
  • Added autoloading ext submodule for extensions and plugins
  • Renamed AuthorizeBondParams to CoordinatorAuthorizeBondParams
  • Renamed DpaParam to CoordinatorDpaParam
  • Renamed PeripheralEnumerationData to ExplorationPerEnumData
  • Renamed PeripheralInformationData to ExplorationPerInfoData
  • Renamed OsIndicateControl to OsIndicateParam
  • Renamed OsSecurityType to OsSecurityTypeParam
  • Moved BinaryOutputState, CoordinatorAuthorizeBondParams, CoordinatorDpaParams, ExplorationPerEnumData, ExplorationPerInfoData, FrcParams, IoTriplet, NodeReadData, NodeValidateBondsParams, OsBatchData, OsIndicateParam, OsLoadCodeFlags, OsReadData, OsSecurityTypeParam, OsSleepParams, OsTrConfByte, OsTrConfData, SensorData and SensorWrittenData data classes to objects submodule
  • Removed transports submodule, ITransport is not available from the root module
  • Removed MqttTransport, MqttTransportParam, MqttTransportParamsError and MqttTransportConnectError, they are now available from the iqrfpy-mqtt-transport package, accessible under iqrfpy.ext.mqtt_transport if installed
  • Removed paho-mqtt and typeguard dependencies

Version: 0.1.58

Release date: 12.03.2024


  • Differentiate parsing of peripheral enumeration from OS Read response

Version: 0.1.57

Release date: 04.03.2024


  • Updated paho-mqtt requirement version in setup tools

Version: 0.1.56

Release date: 02.03.2024


  • Locked paho-mqtt requirement version down to <2.0

Version: 0.1.55

Release date: 14.01.2023


  • Change float NaN to None in SensorParser

Version: 0.1.54

Release date: 12.12.2023


  • Added python 3.12 to project classifiers

Version: 0.1.53

Release date: 12.12.2023


  • Updated Sensor constant and dataclass names to match IQRF Sensor Standard

Version: 0.1.52

Release date: 17.11.2023


  • OS TestRfSignalResponse: Updated get_count value format.

Version: 0.1.51

Release date: 8.11.2023


  • OS TestRfSignalResponse: Added get_count method that returns string representation of counter value

Version: 0.1.50

Release date: 6.11.2023


  • MqttTransport: Client connect errors are now raised as MqttTransportConnectError
  • Renamed MqttParamsError to MqttTransportParamsError

Version: 0.1.49

Release date: 3.11.2023


  • Added OS FactorySettings, LoadCode and TestRfSignal messages and response factories
  • Added missing tests for Sensor ReadSensorResponse
  • Minor fixes of tests, added Response_Factory tests

Version: 0.1.48

Release date: 31.10.2023


  • OS TR configuration data now stores reserved data blocks

Version: 0.1.47

Release date: 31.10.2023


  • Fixed OS BatchRequest and SelectiveBatchRequest data length validation
  • Fixed OS TR configuration data embedded peripherals parsing

Version: 0.1.46

Release date: 17.10.2023


  • Added getter methods for OsTrConfData members
  • Fixed RAM WriteRequest data length validation

Version: 0.1.45

Release date: 13.10.2023


  • Added OS Batch, SelectiveBatch, Indicate and WriteTrConfByte messages and response factories
  • Added generic serialization and deserialization methods for requests and responses
  • Deduplicated serialization and deserialization code of messages
  • Removed unused imports

Version: 0.1.44

Release date: 29.08.2023


  • Fixed GenericResponse parsing method from_dpa

Version: 0.1.43

Release date: 29.08.2023


  • Allow user peripheral numbers to be used in messages

Version: 0.1.42

Release date: 28.08.2023


  • MqttTransport method send_and_receive now returns None if request address is IQMESH_TEMP_ADDR(254) or BROADCAST_ADDR(255).

Version: 0.1.41

Release date: 25.08.2023


  • Added parameter to response factory from dpa to allow use of GenericResponse in case of unknown peripheral number or peripheral command.

Version: 0.1.40

Release date: 25.08.2023


  • Added docstrings across the library
  • Added Binary Output standard messages and response factories
  • Added a GenericRequest and GenericResponse messages
  • Added IO constants to dpa utility module
  • Updated return types across the library
  • Changed response messages' data return types to Optional for situations where request was not handled successfully
  • Fixed some codestyle, doc style and linter errors
  • Removed some unused auxiliary methods

Version: 0.1.39

Release date: 07.08.2023


  • Reworked factory methods
  • Updated typeguard dependency

Version: 0.1.38

Release date: 07.08.2023


  • Fixed typeguard version to 4.0.0

Version: 0.1.37

Release date: 01.08.2023


  • Added FrcCommands enum to DPA utils
  • Added FrcParser class
  • Updated SensorFrcErrors enum to use strings and added factory method from integer values

Version: 0.1.36

Release date: 31.07.2023


  • Fixed FRC commands of TemperatureFloat and Length quantities

Version: 0.1.35

Release date: 31.07.2023


  • Changed Power quantity short name
  • Added TemperatureFloat and Length quantities
  • Fixed data block parsing data in SensorParser
  • Fixed FRC data conversion errors

Version: 0.1.34

Release date: 30.07.2023


  • Removed unused Sensor FRC request
  • Added missing 2bit FRC command to BinaryData7 quantity

Version: 0.1.33

Release date: 20.07.2023


  • Added missing quantities to SensorParser method frc_convert
  • Fixed data block parsing in SensorParser
  • Removed trailing comma in TimeSpan quantity definition
  • Fixed short_name member in ShortLength quantity definition

Version: 0.1.32

Release date: 19.07.2023


  • Fixed a bug where PeripheralEnumeration response data was parsed by PeripheralInformation response factory
  • Added coordinator_shift parameter to bitmap_to_nodes method to ignore first bit
  • Updated BondedDevices and DiscoveredDevices responses to parse only first 30 bytes of PDATA

Version: 0.1.31

Release date: 10.07.2023


  • Fixed a bug where EEEPROM responses were handled by EEPROM response factories

Version: 0.1.30

Release date: 01.07.2023


  • Updated Temperature quantity short name from t to T
  • Added EEEPROM, RAM and IO peripherals
  • Added missing submodule imports
  • Fixed validation of EEPROM WriteRequest data length

Version: 0.1.29

Release date: 28.06.2023


  • Fixed conversion of temperature measurement from 1B FRC data in SensorParser
  • Removed a debug print from Thermometer Read response

Version: 0.1.28

Release date: 27.06.2023


  • Fixed return type hint of Sensor ReadSensors response factory methods
  • Added missing type hint to ResponseCodes method to_string
  • Separated quantity data from sensor_parser module into quantity_data module
  • Sensor parsing methods now raise UnknownSensorTypeError instead of ValueError
  • Updated docstrings for utils submodule

Version: 0.1.27

Release date: 24.06.2023


  • Added validation of dpa_rsp_time and dev_process_time IRequest properties
  • Fixed Sensor FRC error codes handling
  • Fixed trimming of frc_data in frc_dpa method of SensorParser, the method now assumes frc_data does not include status byte
  • Fixed 2B FRC data conversion in SensorParser
  • Reworked data trimming by FRC data size in SensorParser
  • Added parsing of 2b FRC responses to SensorParser

Version: 0.1.26

Release date: 22.06.2023


  • Added dev_process_time parameter to request classes
  • Changed timeout parameter of request classes to dpa_rsp_time
  • Added Sensor ReadSensors request (without types)
  • Added parsing method for ReadSensors response and FRC responses
  • Updated typeguard dependency version
  • ResponseCodes method to_string now includes flags

Version: 0.1.25

Release date: 18.06.2023


  • Added FRC peripheral requests, responses, response factories and DPA constants
  • Added Sensor Enumerate and Read requests, responses, response factories
  • Added Sensor parser and types
  • Fixed incorrect OS WRITE_CFG response command value
  • Refactored OS ReadTrConfResponse and WriteTrConfRequest data into a single class, added serialization and deserialization methods
  • Replaced regular getter and setter methods with @property decorators (response.get_rcode() -> response.rcode)
  • Updated Exploration PeripheralInformationResponse and MorePeripheralsInformationResponse classes to work with basic JSON API response data instead of results for the purposes of matching DPA and JSON API responses

Version: 0.1.24

Release date: 31.05.2023


  • Added Node peripheral commands
  • Added OS peripheral commands reset, restore,
  • Added new Node and OS peripheral imports to messages
  • Added new Node and OS peripheral response factories
  • Changed UartOpenRequest to accept baud rate parameter as both BaudRates enum member and integer
  • Changed OsReadData parameter from result to data
  • Removed unnecessary result fetching in from_json factory method of ClearAllBondsResponse
  • Fixed parameter types of AsyncResponse
  • Updated error message in response_length DPA validator
  • MqttTransport now does not wait for responses to broadcast messages
  • Added more constants to dpa utils

Version: 0.1.23

Release date: 25.05.2023


  • Updated ResponseCodes method to_string messages.
  • Moved UART baud rate enum from UART Open request to dpa submodule.

Version: 0.1.22

Release date: 23.05.2023


  • Fixed rcode value comparison condition in ResponseCodes method to_string

Version: 0.1.21

Release date: 22.05.2023


  • Added check for values out of range to ResponseCodes method to_string
  • Fixed missing return statements

Version: 0.1.20

Release date: 20.05.2023


  • Added missing DPA error constants to ResponseCodes
  • Added string representation of ResponseCodes values and to_string classmethod
  • Used ResponseCodes constants throughout the library where unused

Version: 0.1.19

Release date: 17.05.2023


  • Added Device Exploration (unfinished due to pending changes in IQRF Gateway Daemon), UART and Thermometer peripheral request, responses and response factories
  • Added terminate method to MqttTransport to disconnect client and stop event loop peacefully
  • MQTT transport initialization now waits for subscription confirmation instead of connection confirmation

Version: 0.1.18

Release date: 10.05.2023


  • Added is_connected method to MqttTransport
  • Fixed matching of sent requests and received responses in MQTT transport
  • MQTT transport now distinguishes DPA request timeout without user-specified timeout, DPA request timeout with user-specified timeout, JSON request timeout

Version: 0.1.17

Release date: 09.05.2023


  • Fixed validation of IRequest parameter nadr

Version: 0.1.16

Release date: 03.05.2023


  • Added setters for EEPROM requests
  • Fixed generation of random UUID message ID for requests
  • Separated DPA and JSON timeout in MQTT transport
  • Added optional timeout parameter to requests

Version: 0.1.15

Release date: 02.05.2023


  • Fixed peripherals module submodule imports

Version: 0.1.14

Release date: 27.04.2023


  • Changed module tree structure
  • Moved async_response, confirmation, irequest, iresponse and response_factory submodules to iqrfpy module
  • Renamed peripheral_messages submodule to messages
  • Added specific peripheral submodule imports to periphral submodule
  • Added missing submodule imports
  • Added send_and_receive method overloads for individual requests and responses to MqttTransport

Version: 0.1.13

Release date: 26.04.2023


  • Added EEPROM peripheral requests, responses and response factories
  • Added EEPROM peripheral to Common class auxiliary methods
  • Changed response_factory Coordinator response imports to named namespace import
  • Added iqrfpy.peripheral_messages module containing imports and wildcard import for all available requests and responses
  • Simplified validation of request parameters, deferring much of the work to the DPA layer

Version: 0.1.12

Release date: 24.04.2023


  • Added LEDG peripheral requests, responses and response factories
  • Fixed undefined variable warning when selecting a response factory
  • Added wildcard imports to iqrfpy.exceptions module
  • Added iqrfpy.utils.validators module containing validator classes for DPA and JSON responses
  • Updated validation of DPA and JSON responses in factory methods
  • Added optional timeout parameter to receive method of MqttTransport
  • MqttTransport onmessage callback now checks if received JSON API response indicates DPA request timeout

Version: 0.1.11

Release date: 20.04.2023


  • Added LOCAL_DEVICE_ADDR and BROADCAST_ADDR constants to iqrfpy.utils.dpa module
  • Added list_to_hex_string auxiliary method to Common class
  • Changed IRequest validation of nadr to include local device, temporary iqmesh and broadcast addresses
  • Added OsReadFlags and OsReadSlotLimits dataclasses
  • Added response data getters to OS ReadResponse

Version: 0.1.10

Release date: 20.04.2023


  • Added missing wildcard imports to response_factory module
  • Removed synchronous parameter from MqttTransport
  • MqttTransport now passes received message to user-specified callback regardless of communication mode
  • Implemented method send_and_receive of MqttTransport

Version: 0.1.9

Release date: 20.04.2023


  • Added OS ReadResponse response factory
  • Added synchronous MQTT transport communication
  • Added TransportNotConnectedError and MessageNotReceivedError exceptions

Version: 0.1.8

Release date: 19.04.2023


  • Unified class file name and class name cases
  • Moved validation of AuthorizeBondRequest parameters to AuthorizeBondParams class
  • Added validation of AuthorizeBondParams count to AuthorizeBondRequest
  • Added LEDR peripheral requests, responses and response factories
  • Added OS peripheral Read request and response
  • Added exceptions for unsupported peripherals and peripheral commands
  • ResponseFactory methods now throw relevant exceptions when an unknown or unsupported peripheral or peripheral command is processed
  • Added method send_and_receive to ITransport
  • Added abstract method decorators to ITransport methods
  • Added MqttTransportParams dataclass and removed individual parameters from MqttTransport constructor
  • Added asynchronous MQTT transport communication
  • Added docstrings for enums

Version: 0.1.7

Release date: 17.04.2023


  • Added receive and confirmation methods to ITransport

Version: 0.1.6

Release date: 15.04.2023


  • Added module iqrfpy.utils.dpa containing DPA constants
  • Replaced magical constants throughout the source code with named DPA constants
  • Exposed request and response submodules imports

Version: 0.1.5

Release date: 07.04.2023


  • Added module iqrfpy.exceptions containing custom exceptions
  • Replaced generic Error types with custom exceptions

Version: 0.1.4

Release date: 06.04.2023


  • ITransport methods now raise NotImplementedError
  • Added set_receive_callback method to ITransport
  • Removed receive and receive_async methods from ITransport

Version: 0.1.3

Release date: 02.04.2023


  • Added AuthorizeBondParams dataclass for AuthorizeBondRequest
  • Added validation of AuthorizeBondRequest parameters
  • Added response factory for AuthorizeBondResponse

Version: 0.1.2

Release date: 27.03.2023


  • Added wildcard imports for response factories

Version: 0.1.1 (unreleased)

Release date: N/A


  • Unified module name cases
  • Added typechecking for classes
  • Added enum class IntEnumMember with has_value method
  • Changed existing integer enums to extend IntEnumMember
  • Added response factories to parse DPA and JSON responses into response objects
  • Renamed data parameter to dpa in DPA response factory methods
  • Renamed data parameter to json in JSON response factory methods
  • Moved IRequest class to requests module
  • Moved AsyncResponse, Confirmation and IResponse class to responses module
  • Added more auxiliary methods to Common class

Version: 0.1.0 (unreleased)

Release date: N/A


  • Basic project structure
  • Added peripheral enums
  • Added peripheral request and response command enums
  • Added message type enums
  • Added class Common providing auxiliary functions
  • Added abstract classes for requests, responses and transports
  • Added asynchronous responses
  • Added confirmation message
  • Added Coordinator peripheral requests and responses
  • Added MQTT transport
  • Added simple tests for Coordinator peripheral, enums and Common class
3.. include:: ../
5.. include:: ../
8from . import async_response, confirmation, enums, exceptions, ext, irequest, iresponse, itransport, messages, \
9    objects, peripherals, response_factory, utils